Please be aware that all educators and administrators are required to click the 'Start' button to begin their evaluations (full or interim). If teachers have not clicked the 'Start' button administrators will not see them under 'Evaluation of Others.' Please contact the JES office if you have any questions."
Category: Elementary Info
Research Project – Shelley Nordick
September 26, 2016
Elementary Principals
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Research Project
The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.
Project Title: “Fundamental Features of Fostering Teacher Collective Efficacy: Principals’ Attitudes, Behaviors, and Practices”
Applicant: Shelley Nordick
The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Clyde Mason at 567-8243.
Thank you for your assistance.
Power of Prevention Critical Issues Conference 2016
See posts below for information regarding the upcoming Power of Prevention Conference to be held October 10-15, 2016.
Truancy Mediation Program Referrals
See document below for the when, how, who and what of handling truancy referrals.
U-47700 “Pink” Drug is Illegal
The drug that was discussed in the AP meeting U-47700, "pink" or "pinky" is against the law. This was stated by the PCPD. It was deemed illegal on the 8th of September 8, 2016. The document below was handed out at the Assistant Principal Meeting on September 13th.
Registering a “Youth In Custody” Student
Please be sure that prior to registering any YIC student that you make contact will Holly Evans @801-567-8328. When the foster parent comes in to register them and you have not heard from Holly first that means that not all registration has been completed by the Case Worker (who is the legal guardian). They must clear this office first. It is extremely difficult to back track for all the necessary paperwork once they have been registered at your school. Our goal is to facilitate the registration for you with all the necessary documentation. Please call Holly with any questions.
Appeals for September 20 and October 4, 2016
Thank you for your attention to this matter. This happens about three times a year.
Truancy Mediation Court Contact Update as of September 7, 2016
Hello everyone,
Just a few updates to Truancy Mediation for this year. I will no longer be the individual setting up truancy mediations. That responsibility will now fall on Tayla Egersheim. Tayla is a probation officer who has graciously accepted this new responsibility. Tayla will be sending you her contact information next week. If there is something pressing between now and then please feel free to call me. If there are schools that want truancy mediation and haven't been trained, please let me know and Tayla and I can go do those trainings. We've created a new email address for your administrators to send referrals. That email address is:
Please forward this on to all of your administrators who participate in this program. As a reminder of information we need in the referrals is just the youth's name, date of birth, and grade level. We look forward to working with you this coming year. Of course you can email or call me anytime if you have any questions.
Thanks again!
Bob Curfew
14th Day Drop Count vs. the Estimate – All Schools, Traditional and YRE
September 12, 2016
District Administration
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services
14th Day Drop Count vs. the Estomat
All Schools, Traditional and YRE
See attached memo.
1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate – All Schools, Traditional and YRE
August 23, 2016
All Principals
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services
1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
All Schools, Traditional and YRE
See attached memo.
1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate – Tracks A, B, C & D
August 15, 2016
District Administration
Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Planning and Student Services
1st Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
Year-round Schools, Tracks A, B, C & D
(August 15, 2016 count)
See attached memo.
September – Attendance Awareness Month Additional Items
See attachments for additional ideas for increasing attendance in your school.
Ballet West 2016-17 Student In-Theater Presentations
September 7, 2016
Elementary Principals
Secondary Principals
Administrators of Schools
Laura Finlinson, Administrator, Curriculum/Staff Development
Norman Emerson, Instructional Support Services/Fine Arts Consultant
Ballet West 2016-17 Student In-Theater Presentations
Ballet West will once again be providing student in-theater presentations at the Capitol Theater during the 2016-17 school year as follows:
- Madame Butterfly-November 8, 9, 10 (Grades 3-12)
- The Nutcracker-November 30, December 1, 6, 7 (Grades 1-12)
- Sleeping Beauty-February 14, 15, 22 (Grades K-12)
- The Little Mermaid-March 30, 31 (Grades K-12)
- The Green Table-April 12 (Grades 5-12)
Please note that November 10, December 6, and February 22 are field trip busing moratorium dates.
Although these performances are provided free of charge, Ballet West will not be subsidizing busing as they have in the past. However, all attendees may request a student/teacher workshop to supplement their attendance at a Ballet West student in-theater presentation.
To request a student in-theater presentation, please contact Verlene Jensen at 801-567-8296 or
Elementary Testing Bulletin – September 2016
Elementary Principals: The Elementary Testing Bulletin for September is posted below.
Safety/Green Ribbon Month – September 2016
August 31, 2016
Elementary Principals
Scott Thomas, Administrator, Auxiliary Services
Paul Bergera, Staff Assistant, Auxiliary Services
Dave Rostrom, Director, Facility Services
Lance Everill, Manager, Facility Operations
Ron Boshard, Coordinator, Risk Management
Safety/Green Ribbon Month - September
There is nothing more important than safety. It is our responsibility to help prepare our students to be as safe as possible and promote a healthy interaction with the community. Jordan School District has been collaborating with the Region PTA to promote Safety/Green Ribbon Month, which will be September.
All elementary schools are encouraged to participate in this PTA led program, which focuses on education, awareness and prevention of pedestrian/motor vehicle crash injuries.
The PTA will have a packet that consists of:
- Safety Related Facts
- Potential Safety/Green Ribbon Month Activities
- Helpful Safety/Green Ribbon Month Hints
- Student and Driver Pledges
- Utah Department of Health Questionnaire
A Reunification video was produced last year by the Jordan School District Office of Communications, to be shown to parents/guardians to inform them on protocol and expectations for reunifying them with students following an emergency/disruption to school. The video is available on the District Web site under the Parents & Students tab, by selecting General Information, then Student Safety. The Safety Super Hero video is located on this Web page and can be shown to students during Safety/Green Ribbon Month and anytime in the future to reinforce safe behavior.
The JSD Department of Transportation is offering a Safety in the Schools - Riding the Bus Safely assembly. Transportation Training Office Assistant Luanne Smith will be contacting your school to schedule an assembly. Transportation and the Office of Communications have produced an exciting new bus safety video that will soon be available for schools.
If your school’s PTA President has not reached out to you regarding possible PTA led activities at your school, please feel free to contact them.
Help Us Get the Mail to You On Time!
Flu Shot Clinics – Say Boo to the Flu!
Please be aware of the many flu shot clinics that have been scheduled in our schools this fall (see attachment). English and Spanish versions are included, for schools to post for their communities. Employees are welcome at all of the clinics. Please also note the clinics scheduled for the District Office and for the ASB. Have a healthy year!
Research Project – Courtney Pflieger
August 29, 2016
Elementary Principals
Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Clyde Mason, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Research Project
The Research Review Committee has reviewed a research project in which your school has been asked to participate.
Project Title: “Video Self-Modeling with Elementary School Students Displaying Behavioral Engagement Deficits Due to Traumatic Brain Injury”
Applicant: PFLIEGER, Courtney
The project has been approved by the District Research Review Committee. The applicant has been directed to contact you to discuss the extent of the project and to obtain your permission to conduct the study at your school. If you have questions or concerns relating to participation, please contact Clyde Mason at 567-8243.
Thank you for your assistance.
Charter School Registration Requests
If administrators or counselors receive a request from a charter student to enroll in one or more classes, please contact your Administrator of Schools. More information will follow at our next principals meeting.
PALS Materials for Kindergarten
As you know, we are no longer using the PALS assessment for Kindergarten. You may surplus PALS kits using a Textbook Surplus form and following the normal procedures.