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Please be aware of the increasing popularity of vaping among our youth.  A new device is showing up in classrooms called JUUL, an e-cigarette that can be concealed easily because it looks like a USB flash drive and has cartridges that are available in many kid-friendly flavors.  JUUL now has the highest market share (in tracked channels), surpassing Reynolds’ Vuse as the most popular e-cigarette product.  Here are some recent news articles about JUUL and youth:

·         “A mango-scented flash-drive-looking device lets kids smoke in class,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, December 12, 2017:

·         “Teenagers Embrace JUUL, Saying It's Discreet Enough To Vape In Class,” NPR, December 4, 2017:

·         “Juul e-cigs: The controversial vaping device popular on school campuses,” USA Today, October 31, 2017:

Utah Retirement Systems is offering individual Retirement Planning Sessions on February 7, 2018 at Oquirrh Hills Middle School. Please review the attached flyer to sign-up instructions.

The mileage reimbursement rate is based upon the IRS rate. Effective January 1, 2018, the reimbursement rate is $0.545 per mile. Please use the attached form when submitting for mileage reimbursement. All 2017 mileage reimbursement requests should be submitted as soon as possible.

Please note that the District Office will be closing at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, December 22, 2017. If any adjustments need to be made on December paychecks it will need to be taken care of by noon on this day. Any other questions or concerns will need to be taken care of prior to 4:00 p.m. The District Office will reopen on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 8:00 a.m.

December 20, 2017

Administrative Assistants, ALL

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Consultant, Planning & Student Services

Permit Data and Codes

Tracking student permits is a vital part of accurately accounting for student enrollment and projections. Each fall schools report their permit information. It is recommended that permit data be tracked by “permit window” for ease of reporting. As a reminder, the following data needs to be tracked for both the early and late enrollment permit window(s):

  • The number of (both early and late window(s)):
    • Permits Requested
    • Permits Approved
    • Permits Denied

Beginning January 1, 2018 there have been two (2) small changes to permit codes/descriptions which will enable increased analysis and tracking. The following changes have been made:

  1. A new permit code of “S” has been added and is to be used for any Dual Immersion Sibling.
  2. “District Assigned” has been added to the description of permit code “H” – Court Order.

Permit documentation has been updated to reflect these changes and an updated copy has been placed in the Skyward Documentation Shared Google Drive.

Please share this information with all individuals in your school working with permits.

Should you have any questions regarding permits please call Student Services at extension 88183.

Thank you for your continued efforts tracking permits.


Jordan School District

Security Camera/Video Surveillance Access


The purpose of these guidelines is to regulate the use of security camera/video surveillance at Jordan School District facilities and/or grounds.  These guidelines apply to the responsibility of school administration in order to access, view, download, export and/or share security camera/video surveillance.

See complete document below.

Schools and departments can NEVER pay an employee through Accounting (i.e. check request or NPO). Employees must be paid through Payroll (i.e. True Time or Time Sheet). Accounting only pays vendors (businesses) and reimburses employees for purchases they made on behalf of the District.

If an employee has a business which:
a) has a business license, and
b) does work for other entities beside the District, and
c) completes an "Independent Contractor Declaration," and
d) the work they are doing has no similarity to the work the District hired the individual to do, then that business may be paid through Accounting.

However, this is extremely rare and care should be taken to ensure the above four items are true. When you have any doubt about a certain situation, it is safer to pay the person through Payroll as an employee.

With the recent return of our winter inversion, it is a good time to review the Utah Department of Health's air quality guidelines for schools. Attached you will find the "Recess Guidance for Schools" with additional helpful information at the following link: .There are two buttons on this website that will be of special interest: "Current Air Quality Levels" and Utah Recess Guidance Tool." 

If you are interested in receiving alerts when the PM2.5 levels require students to stay indoors, you may sign up for those email alerts at . A free downloadable app is also available at which will allow you to check air quality levels from the convenience of your phone.

As a reminder, we respect parents' decisions to have their children stay indoors due to poor air quality. Thanks for your efforts to keep our students safe. Enjoy the winter!

Facility Access During Winter Recess

Please submit Card Access Scheduling requests in Sprocket to have doors open for activities that will occur during Winter Recess, when the facility is normally closed.

Principals that would like to keep the exterior doors locked and allow employees to have badge access will need to submit a Card Access Scheduling request indicating the applicable dates and times.

Remember to submit a Sprocket Heating and Cooling request to correspond with the time the building will be occupied.

Call Alarm Response at 801-567-8865, in advance of any unscheduled opening and closing.

Please call Sandi Abplanalp with any card access and door scheduling questions: 801-567-8616.