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Copy & Print Toner

JSD has a copy machine and printer toner contract that has been competitively solicited for use by all schools and departments within the district.  Because we purchase as a whole district more than $50,000 annually of this one type of item on a regular basis, it necessitates additional steps under the law.  This is intended to save time and money for the district and its employees.  If you use the toner contract for the first time you may want to review all vendors and their prices before making a purchasing decision.  Prices are based on a percentage off discount of retail price.

For ease of use and to ensure best value to the district, any purchase over $1000.00 requires two documented quotes, put on as a requisition in Skyward.  Award may be on an all or nothing basis or you may want to award per printer model to get the best value.  Any purchase under $1000.00 will not require competitive quotes.

The preferred method of ordering toner is with the district P-card or an open purchase order is acceptable also.  Open purchase orders can be for the fiscal year or the length of the contract whichever is preferable.  Please reference the contract number on the purchase order.  A list of toner contracts can be found on the Purchasing Department website.

Please note when getting quotes from Coast to Coast their Diamond Series is not OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). This means Brother, Epson, HP, Lexmark, etc. brands.  Diamond Series would be considered remanufactured not OEM.

Utah Retirement Systems will be available for one-on-one retirement planning sessions at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services building in the North Training Room A105 on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. See the instructions below to register for an appointment. Counseling sessions are available at other locations that are also listed on the URS website. See flyer below.

1.       Go to

2.       Log into your myurs account by clicking on LOGIN in the upper right corner of the screen.

3.       Click on the Education Tab.

4.       Click on “Individual Retirement Planning Sessions”.

5.       Find the session that works best for you.  Select the session to reserve your appointment.

6.     Please be sure to bring your estimated annual salary, any retirement plan balances outside of URS, and your Social Security statement (get yours at

Hosted by Student Intervention Services - See attached flyer

Overview of Taskforce Investigations 20 Minutes
Prevention 20 Minutes
Q&A Session 20 Minutes

JSD Administrators and
Parents of JSD Students are Invited

March 8, 2018
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium
7905 South Redwood Road
West Jordan


February 14, 2018

Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Planning & Student Services

Elementary, Middle and High School Non-Transferred Student Files Retention Schedule

Please see attached memo.

February 12, 2018

School Psychologists

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

February School Psychologists’ Meeting

A school psychologists’ meeting has been scheduled for Friday, February 23, 2018, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium (7905 South Redwood Road). Cathy Davis, Suicide Prevention Specialist at the Utah State Board of Education, will provide us with a presentation on creating safety during a suicidal crisis. She will be sharing recent data re: suicide among youth ages 10-17 in Utah. We will also meet in our PLC groups according to level. Many of you have talked to me about activities or programs that you are using with your students. I would like you to share these ideas or materials in your groups. If you have information about something you’re using that you’d like copied, please email them to Cheryl Powell and she will make copies for everyone.

Part-time Staff:  I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.


Incident Command Manual - Violence Action Plan
Lockout Protocol Revision for All Levels

When a threat of external violence occurs within close proximity to a school campus, it is common for that school (and potentially other schools in the vicinity) to go into a Lockout.  This is typically executed at the direction of law enforcement.

After consulting with multiple law enforcement agencies, a revision has been made to the Lockout protocol, as outlined in the Jordan School District Incident Command Manual.

The District has been advised that once a Lockout is implemented and students and staff members that are outside for PE or recess have been brought safely into the building, no entrance into or exit from school should be allowed until the Lockout has ended.

The Incident Command manual has been edited to reflect this revision, and is available to administrators on the Google Drive, in: ASB - Website Docs and Forms, select Safety/Security, select Incident Command, then: PDF JSD ICS Manual Rev. February 2018.

For your convenience, a Lockout sign has been created, which can be posted on the main doors at the school entrance during a Lockout event.  This sign in available on the Drive, in same location as the updated Incident Command Manual.

If you are in need of USB-connected computer mice to administer your 6th grade Science SAGE on Chromebooks or other devices with track pads, please take the survey by clicking this link:

Please see information below that was discussed at Principal Meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2018.

February 6, 2018

Principals and Administrative Assistants

Administrators of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Consultant, Planning and Student Services

Residency Determinations

Please see attached memo.

The biannual Literacy Promise Conference is scheduled for March 28 – 30, 2018. There is an excellent lineup of presenters, including Doug Fisher. The Curriculum Department will pay the registration fee for one administrator per school. Please send registration forms to Amanda Hansen. Space is limited, so you’ll want to register as soon as possible. Flyers and registration forms are attached.

***NEW:  The featured author keynote is James Dashner (Maze Runner series). Admission to his presentation on Wednesday evening, March 28, is FREE for everyone. Teachers are encouraged to invite students.

January 30, 2018

Elementary School Principals

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum and Staff Development
Nancy Ward,

Coordinator of Educational Support Services
District Nurses

Preschool Vision Clinics

Attached you will find a flyer for parents regarding upcoming Preschool Vision Clinics.   You may want to put this on your school letterhead to give out at your kindergarten orientation and/or parent/teacher conferences.


Reminder - Positions are still open

Camp Hobé is currently recruiting volunteers for their summer camp sessions, including counselors and kitchen assistants. Volunteering for Camp Hobé is a great experience for anyone, but especially for school professionals such as teachers, assistants, administrators, or lunch workers. It's a great opportunity to interact with kids outside of the classroom (plus you get to throw water balloons!).

Please forward the attached flyers to employees and anyone else interested in volunteering.

Internet and Social Media Safety

S. Max Rogers
NetSmartz Director - Boys and Girls Clubs of Utah Presenter

Hosted by Student Intervention Services

JSD Administrators and Parents of JSD students invited

February 1, 2018
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Jordan School District Auxiliary Service Building Auditorium
7905 South Redwood Road,West Jordan

NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources.  Topics covered include internet and social media safety.

January 7, 2018 Toner and Ink Supplies

A new contract for toner and ink supplies will be posted on the Purchasing’s website under Vendors subcategory District Contracts.

This is an approved vendor list contract and it is the responsibility of the school or department to review pricing from all vendors before making your decision.

JSD users must adhere to the following:
Review the approved vendor list
Must obtain a minimum of two (2) quotes
Must purchase from the lowest responsive quote

Be sure to specify OEM or Remanufactured toner when getting quotes.  Copy and fax machines must only use OEM and Ink cartridges must only use OEM.  Price quoted must include shipping

Deliveries should be made within two to three (2-3) business days from all vendors.  If remanufactured cartridges leak in the printer, the vendor should respond within two to three (2-3) business days after a call has been placed.  The vendor should have a qualified technician clean the printer at no cost to the District.

All current open purchase orders for toner and ink will be closed by Accounting on January 21, 2018.

January 9, 2018

School Psychologists/School Psychology Interns

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

January School Psychologists’ Meeting

A school psychologists’ meeting has been scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2018, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Auxiliary Services Building Auditorium. Verne C. Larsen, Regional Prevention Director with the Division of Substance Abuse Mental Health, will provide us with a presentation titled Unleashing the Power of Prevention.

Part-time staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.
