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August 07, 2019

All Principals,  Jordan School District

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Nancy Ward, Coordinator of Educational Support Services

CPR/First Aid Certification

Jordan School District requires that at least 3 employees in each building be certified in CPR and First Aid.  Most certifications are valid for 2 years. It is also recommended that employees who will have direct responsibility for student health and safety be CPR/First Aid certified. This may include front office staff, playground aides, hall monitors, P.E. teachers, etc. It is also recommended that you keep a list of current CPR/First Aid certified staff members by all main phone lines where calls for emergency help may originate.  A template is attached.

CPR, First Aid, and AED training and certification is now available to district employees in an online format through the National Safety Council (NSC). The attached memo will outline the steps necessary to complete the online portion of the course. The cost of the course is $19.95 and should be paid by the employee at the time of registration. Schools may provide reimbursement for the course, if funds are available, by following appropriate pre-approval and reimbursement procedures.

Once the online course is completed, employees may sign up to complete their certification by attending a 2 hour skills check session with our district nurses. To sign up for a skill check, you will need to register with JPLS under CPR/First Aid/AED skill check. All skill checks must be completed within 45 days of sign-up for the online course. The dates and times for the skill check sessions are listed on the attached flyer.

Please complete the attached CPR/First Aid certification form and return it to the Educational Support Services office by November 15, 2019.

July 30, 2019

Elementary School Principals

Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy S. Jones, Trainer/Risk Coordinator of Transportation

“Safety in the Schools” – Bus Safety Video

Utah State Standards for school buses require students to receive annual bus safety instruction.

Bus safety instruction and awareness for students in grades K-1 will come in the form of an assembly entitled “Safety in the Schools”.  The assembly is typically conducted in the auditorium followed by an exercise conducted on a school bus.  Jackie Ontiveros (801) 567-8856 will be contacting you in the near future to schedule your assembly.

Bus safety instruction and awareness for students in grades 2-6 will come in the form of a video. This video is available via YouTube for each individual teacher to present to his or her class.  The link to the video is  When every teacher in grades 2 to 6 has shown the video to his or her students, please send a quick e-mail confirmation to indicating that your school has completed this process.

Feel free to contact the Transportation Training Department (801) 567-8856 with any questions you may have.

We would like to have this completed and turned into the Utah State Office by October 31, 2019.

Thank you for helping Jordan School District achieve “Safety in the Schools”.


Suicide Prevention, Resiliency, Anti-Bullying Grant Request

Form Link:

Please fill out the electronic form found at the link above if you would like to request funds for peer-to-peer suicide prevention, resiliency, or anti-bullying programs at the elementary school through USBE's Grant. There is no guarantee that each school will be awarded funds, but all requests that meet the requirements will be submitted for approval to USBE.

Fund requests cannot exceed $500 per elementary school.

Additional instructions are included in the form. Requests are due by 8/9/2019.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

All Schools

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Earbud Orders for the RISE Summative and the Utah Aspire Plus Summative Tests

Students will have the option to have text read to them on the RISE Summative and Utah Aspire Plus Summative tests once again this year.  Principals or their designee are encouraged to place an order for student earbuds.  Please place your order by Friday, September 27, 2019.

To place an order, please click here.

Earbuds may be used for other district- or state-mandated tests, but schools will need to devise a system by which the same student uses the same earbuds throughout the year as there is no additional funding to purchase more than one pair of earbuds per student in grades 2-10.

If schools wish to purchase additional earbuds for other uses, school administrators are welcome to contact Gaylene Miller in the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department at 801-567-8185 who can share the purchasing information obtained in the purchasing procedures and quotes used to acquire these earbuds.

Jordan Education Foundation (JEF) CLASSROOM GRANT applications will be accepted Thursday, August 1 through Thursday, Ocotber 31, 2019.

See flyer for details.

To apply: Go to, and click on the Classroom Grants APPLY HERE link found on the front page.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

All Principals and District Department Directors/Consultants

Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2019-20 Required Testing Ethics Professional Development Procedures for Classified Employees

Licensed teachers will do their testing ethics training as part of their annual crucial policies and procedures review. Principals do not need to train their teachers on testing ethics for the 2019-20 school year; however, principals will need to do an in-person training with any classified support staff that will participate in any kind of testing.

Instructions, materials, and documentation forms for the required 2019-20 Testing Ethics professional development, are being sent to schools via the Jordan Administrative Memo (JAM). These materials will also be available online at . The three required procedures for completing this testing ethics professional development are listed on the “2019-20 Principal’s Testing Ethics Checklist for Classified Employees” form provided in the materials, which is due to the Evaluation, Research & Accountability Department by Friday, September 20, 2019.

It is important that all classified staff that assist with testing be reminded that the professional testing ethics required for all Federally-mandated assessments such as NAEP and WIDA or State-mandated assessments such as RISE, Utah Aspire Plus, ACT, Acadience Reading benchmarks and progress monitoring, also apply to all District-mandated assessments such as benchmark tests, SLO assessments, and other District-created assessments. Students must not be given secured assessment questions as homework or discussion items. Any use of secured assessment questions for instruction, discussion, or homework compromises the validity and integrity of the assessment questions and constitutes a violation of professional testing ethics protocol.

Principals are to make sure that teachers as well as paraprofessionals that assist with testing understand that professional testing ethics must be followed when working with District-mandated as well as State- and Federally-mandated assessments. Principals are also to remind teachers and paraprofessionals that assist with testing that any potential disciplinary action specified for violating professional testing ethics on State- and Federally-mandated assessments, also applies to any violation of professional testing ethics on District-mandated assessments.

Michael Anderson, previously Administrator of Schools, has been appointed Associate Superintendent. An application for the Administrator of Schools position has been posted at Cabinet assignments will be finalized once a new Cabinet member has been appointed. The application deadline is July 31.

July 17, 2019

All Special Educators and Service Providers

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

SCRAM for 2019-20 School Year - October 1 Count

Please see attached memo for guidelines and multiple deadlines.

All schools within Jordan School District should complete either the Elementary or Secondary School Level Emergency Compliance and Safety Form (attached) based on the grades housed in the school. All completed forms should be submitted to by July 19, 2019.

As a guide to completing the form, please see the EXAMPLE District School Level Emergency Compliance Form (attached) that was already submitted by the District.

June 26, 2019

Elementary School Principals

Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools

Elementary Fee Waiver Materials 2019-20

Beginning with school year 2019-2020 the Certificate of Compliance form will be due October 31August 1 of each year the Local Board Chair, District Superintendent and each Principal will receive an email containing their individual URL to complete the Certificate of Compliance. 90 days will be given to complete the survey.

To help you complete the online Certificate of Compliance you can find the following forms in the June 27th edition of JAM: Jordan Admin Memo they are also available at

  • Elementary Fee Schedule
  • JSD Fee Waiver Guidelines
  • Sample survey, printed from the USBE website
  • Standard Fee Waiver Application (English/Spanish) REVISED MAY 2019
  • School Fees Notice for Families of Children in grades K-6 (English/Spanish)
  • Fee Waiver Decision and Appeal Form (English/Spanish)
  • Fee Waiver Posters (English/Spanish)
    -Please include, on the line provided on the poster, your school phone number and contact.

Attention:  Students who previously showed verification of eligibility do not need to resubmit documentation. It may be necessary for the principal (or designee) to contact the previous school of transferring students for verification of fee waiver status. Kindergarten students coming into the school, new students to the District, and students with extenuating circumstances will still be required to submit documentation.

Please discard all Fee Waiver Application forms from previous years as there are significant changes for Income Eligibility Guidelines.

The Health and Wellness Team is able to provide financial support to schools for the implementation of Social and Emotional Learning through a program called "Second Step" for the 2019-2020 school year. This is an evidenced-based K-8 program with excellent outcomes in improving student's social and emotional skills and resilience. In order to receive financial support, the Project AWARE grant requires schools to implement the program with fidelity and provide grant team members access to data collection on outcomes. We hope that many schools will take advantage of this opportunity as the data collection and implementation process will be supported by the team. Schools will be considered and notified of their selection on a first come basis as funds are limited. Please take note that the deadline to request funds is July 1, 2019. If you would like to request start-up funds for your school, please fill out the form at this link:


May 24, 2019

All Principals

Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services

Volunteer Hours

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers’ Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools.  It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from April 1, 2019 to the end of school year.

Please complete this form and return it to
Cheryl Matson, Insurance Services by
June 15, 2019

Elementary Principals:

Parent letters for EOY DIBELS are attached. The Evaluation Department will send spreadsheets to Principals when testing is complete. The testing window closes on June 15 and letters must be sent home with ALL first, second and third-grade students on or before the last day of school for A track and traditional calendars. Year-round tracks B, C and D need to send the letters home by June 30. Please do not send this letter home with Kindergarten students, as the reporting law does not apply to them. The parent letter from is appropriate to share with all parents. Please contact Michelle Lovell with any questions.

May 3, 2019

All Elementary, Middle, and Traditional High School Principals

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets, and Audits

May 2019 Budget Transfer Request

If you would like to transfer budget between your postage, supply, textbook, technology supply and equipment budgets, please complete the following, sign and return to Derek by June 7, 2019.  If Derek does not receive this back from you by June 7, 2019, Derek will assume no transfer is requested.  The next opportunity to make such a transfer is January 2020.