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The following is being sent to teachers via JEM and Canvas. The information will also be available on the LETRS Information web page (access from Teaching & Learning Home page):

Dear Teachers,

Thank you for your enthusiastic participation in LETRS training! You are a pleasure to work with!! We look forward, with you, to see your efforts pay off as students reach their full potential in reading.

In order to help us with the tracking of the completion of Units for compensation, we’re asking each participant to fill out a google form (available on LETRS Information web page—access from Teaching & Learning Home page) for EACH Unit completed.

Completed forms will be submitted at the end of each month for compensation in the following month’s paycheck.

Please reach out to Ronna Hoffman 801-567-8242 or with any questions you may have.

Link to Google Form


All schools are required by Federal regulation to take continuing steps to notify students, parents, employees, and other school community members that the District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability. Non-discrimination notices must reach them in more than one way, and the notice must also be prominently and permanently displayed on District webpages.

Both a long and short version of the non-discrimination notice have been provided here for school use.

Suggested locations for publishing the non-discrimination notice include:

  • School website - If the District houses your website on its servers, this has been done for you. You can access the notice from the ADAAA/Non-Discrimination link located in the footer at the bottom of each page of your website. If not, you will need to add a link to the District’s ADAAA/Non-Discrimination page.
  • Student and faculty handbooks – Each school will need to add the notice to these documents.
  • Course catalogs - The District Course Catalog is web-based, and has the ADAAA/Non-Discrimination link in the footer. If the school maintains a separate version for student use, the notice should be added.
  • Brochures on programs and activities
  • School newspapers, newsletters, and magazines

The the training video "AA419 - Student Conduct, Dress, and Appearance"  needs to be shown at your next SCC meeting. A member of Cabinet or Student Services will be available at the meeting to receive feedback regarding this policy.

Please contact your Administrator of Schools if you have any questions.

September 14, 2021

Elementary School Principals

Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy S. Jones, Trainer/Risk Coordinator of Transportation

“Safety in the Schools” – Bus Safety Video

Utah State Standards for school buses require students to receive annual bus safety instruction.

This year, bus safety instruction and awareness for students in grades K-6 will come in the form of a video. The video is available at the following link for each individual teacher to present to his or her class.

In addition, please require all teachers in grades K-1 to have their students watch the Winnie the Pooh video at the link provided below.

When every teacher in grades K-6 has shown the video(s) to his or her class, please send a quick email confirmation to indicating that your school has completed this process.

Feel free to contact Denise Dallin in the Transportation Training Department at (801) 567-8856 with any questions you may have.

We would like to have this completed and turned into the Utah State Office by September 30, 2021.

Thank you for helping Jordan School District achieve “Safety in the Schools”.

The flyer below has information regarding URS retirement staff/planning meetings that can be scheduled at your workplace. Please contact Robert Goodlick (see flyer) at URS to schedule a meeting.

This is a great opportunity for new employees to learn about which retirement plan to choose from, which plan is best for their individual situation, and to become more informed on the plan they already participate in.


We appreciate your patience as we update the Perform system to ensure that all educators are assigned the appropriate evaluation.

The following documents may help you in the evaluation process:

  • This document provides an overview of the process for the various evaluations in Perform.
  • The attached document provides instructions for logging in and uploading evidence in Perform.

Get vaccinated against the flu at your school’s on-site Say Boo to the Flu clinic & Community Nursing Services (CNS) will donate $2 per eligible immunization back to the school.

  • 2021 CNS School Flu Clinic Schedule
  • District Office Flu Clinic - Oct. 4 from 11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. in Room 129
  • Auxiliary Services Building Flu Clinic - Oct. 6 from 3 - 6 p.m. in the North Auditorium

Reduced & no-cost flu vaccines will be available to individuals & families who are uninsured & unable to pay.

CNS is able to bill the following insurances (No Copay): Aetna, All Savers, Altius, Ameriben, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Direct Care Administrators, DMBA, EMI Health, GEHA, Health Utah, HealthEZ, Healthwest, Imagine Health, MailHandlers, Meritan Health, Molina, Molina Marketplace, Oxford Health, PEHP, Select Health, Tall Tree Administrators, Town & Country, Tricare, United Health Care, U of U Health, UMR, WISE Network, CHIP, Medicaid, Medicare, Part B, & most Medicare Advantage Plans.

Note: Community Nursing Services (CNS) Immunization Program is committed to providing positive moments and experiences while providing safe and convenient on-site flu shot clinics throughout Utah. Additional cleaning and preventative measures are being followed by all CNS clinical staff secondary to the current COVID-19 pandemic.

September 14, 2021

All Principals

Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent of Schools

Licensed Employee Advisory Committee for the Board

The Board of Education has an advisory committee made up of licensed employees from every school in the District. The purpose of this committee is to advise the Board regarding issues that affect licensed employees (salaries, grants, leave, etc.). Representatives will meet four times during the year and will be compensated at their hourly rate for participation. The first meeting will be held October 7, 2021 at the JATC-S from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Elementary and special schools, Valley High, and JATCs (North and South) will send one representative; middle schools two; and high schools three. Help us in selecting the assigned number of representatives from your school by using the following process. Please adhere to these procedures exactly as outlined.


Elementary and special schools, Valley High, and JATCs (North and South) will need a minimum of two nominees; middle schools a minimum of three; and high schools a minimum of four. Additional nominees are at your discretion.

  1. Invite licensed employees to nominate, by secret ballot, the name of the licensed employee they would like to represent your school. Administrators are not eligible to serve on this committee.
  2. Ask those nominated if they would be willing to serve. Serving as a committee member is not mandatory. If a licensed employee is unwilling or unable to serve, ask the next highest vote receiver, until you have the desired number of nominees.


  1. Prepare a secret ballot for each licensed employee (including administrators) with the names of the nominees. The Board would prefer this be done by secret ballot to ensure that no employee feels pressure to vote for a particular nominee.
  2. All licensed employees at elementary and special schools, Valley High, and JATCs (North and South) should be encouraged to vote for one nominee; middle school licensed employees two; and high school licensed employees three.
  3. Tally the results.
  4. For elementary and special schools, Valley High, and JATCs (North and South) the top vote receiver is the representative and the next highest will serve as an alternate.
  5. For middle schools, the top two vote receivers are the representatives and the next highest will serve as an alternate.
  6. For high schools, the top three vote receivers are the representatives and the next highest will serve as an alternate.
  7. Keep all ballots on file that are turned in.

Please inform the representatives, the alternate, your faculty, and send a copy of the results to Roxane Siggard ( by September 24, 2021.

Representatives will be contacted with meeting dates, times, and location. The first meeting will be held on Thursday, October 7, 2021 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the JATC-S.

Thank you for your help with this matter. We are confident that this advisory committee will have a positive impact on the lives of our educators.


As we continue on our JELL journey this year, we are excited to start looking at which Power Standards schools have in common. Please forward this link to one member of each grade level team, and ask them to mark each standard that their team has selected as a Power Standard this year. Assuming they already have all of their Power Standards selected, this survey should only take a few minutes.

Our goal is to have a response from one teacher from each grade level per school by Friday, September 10th.

2021-2022 Power Standard Survey Link:

September 9, 2021

All Administrators

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Consultant

District Safe School Committee Assignments

This year the format of the JSD Safe School Hearings has changed. Each week the committee will be made up of assistant principals from a secondary school, an elementary school, and a representative from various District level departments. The hearings will provide training/insight about Safe School Hearings and a chance for administrators to participate on the other side of the process.

With the approval of the Cabinet, the assignments have been carefully made for maximum balance. If you have been assigned, please add this date to your calendar and plan to be part of this committee on the assigned day. Hearings usually last until 1pm. Please do not take it upon yourself to substitute assigned days. In the rare event you cannot participate on your assigned day, please call Student Support Services or email


We have scheduled two separate training sessions on the operation of the school's security camera and software. The training will include the use of the software, saving of camera footage and the transferring of that footage to the appropriate device. We receive many requests for help in this area.

The training will be held on September 22 2021.
Session 1: 9:00-10:00 am Session 2: 1:00-2:00 pm

Both sessions will be held at the Auxiliary Service Building in the Presentation Room, enter at Entrance C. It is recommended that at least one administrator per building attend one of the sessions and if possible send one hall monitor to each session.

In addition to conducting a fire drill within the first 10 days of school, UT Administrative Rules R277- 400 School Facility Emergency and Safety indicates that all schools are to conduct a drill for “other” emergencies by October 1 each year.


  • Bomb Threat
  • Earthquake
  • Shelter-in-place (for external chemical spills or severe weather)
  • Violence (LockOUT for external threats, LockDOWN for internal threats)


  • Drills are part of instruction time for students
  • Clearly announce the drill within the school, and always make a clear distinction between “drills” and “actual emergencies”
  • Complete the 2021-22 Report of Emergencies – Drills, Actual Events or Meetings Form on Google Drive, link: 2021-22 Report of Emergencies – Drills, Actual Events or Meetings
    Drill requirements are listed by level at the top of this form
  • Conduct drills according to the District Incident Command System (ICS) Manual Action Plans and Standard Operating Guidelines. Google Drive Incident Command Folder, link:  JSD Incident Command Folder
  • Bookmark the Report Form and Incident Command Folder for future reference

An Incident Command overview will be conducted at Principal’s and Assistant Principal’s Meetings later this month.  Additional Incident Command training opportunities will be advertised for October, or individual locations can schedule meetings with JSD Emergency Operations Manager Lance Everill as needed: 801-567-8623,

September 3, 2021

All Principals

Administrators of Schools
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Scott Festin, Consultant, Planning and Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning and Enrollment

10th Day Enrollment versus the Estimate

Please see memo below.

What's New School LAND Trust Program 2021 2022 - YouTube

"What's New" Training: this 15 minute video covers the most important changes to the program and announcements and reminders.

*Please take note that the deadlines listed in JAM last week are the deadlines Jordan School District will be following.