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July 29, 2021

Secondary School Principals

Christen Richards-Khong

2021-22 Advanced Placement Beginning of Year Planning Steps

Please note beginning of year planning steps for your Advanced Placement coordinator training, course audits, and student registration. If you have assigned a new AP coordinator for your school, please notify Chris Westra of the change. Please send Chris Westra  the contact information for your new coordinator.

Planning for AP 2021-22 School Year

  • AP Coordinator Training- Free 3-hour online workshops for new and experienced AP coordinators. These interactive workshops will allow participants to work in small groups. AP Coordinators can register now to reserve a spot; due to the format of this workshop, space is limited.
  • AP Course Audit - Teachers and a school administrator will need to complete and submit the AP Course Audit Form. Courses must be submitted for audit approval for a class section to be created in the AP Registration & Ordering System. Below are key links:
  • AP Registration and Ordering Access Codes-in August AP coordinators and principals on file will receive an email with your school’s unique AP registration and Ordering (APRO) access code. This code can be used to launch the new school year’s APRO.

Brad Sorensen, Cody Curtis, Shelley Nordick


July 22, 2021

All administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Join our Wellness Center PLC

Are you interested in starting a wellness center at your school? Do you need some extra funds to jazz it up? Do you already have a room and would like to collaborate with other schools to make it better?

Health and Wellness is here to help! Please review these tips for wellness center implementation and consider joining our wellness center PLC!

During the 2021-22 school year there will be a quarterly PLC whose purpose will be to increase collaboration between schools who are implementing (or who are interested in implementing) wellness centers.

If you are interested in participating in this PLC or in sending a representative (or both!) please let McKinley Withers know (, 801-567-8245) as soon as possible and include the names of any individuals who you’d like to have participate. Dates and times will be coordinated according to the participant’s schedules. We look forward to working with you to enhance wellness in our District!

July 15, 2021

Jordan School District Administrators

District Administration

2021-22 Annual Administrative Leadership Conference

You are invited to attend the annual Jordan School District Administrative Leadership Conference, “Curious, Intentional, United” scheduled on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at Mountain Ridge High, 14100 S Sentinel Ridge Blvd (4500 W), in Herriman.

The conference will follow a full-day format. We will begin in the auditorium at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday after a light breakfast, which will be provided starting at 7:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided, and the meeting will adjourn by 3:45 p.m. Interns assigned to your building are invited to attend. Please RSVP to Nadine Page (801-567-8182 or no later than July 26th if you have an intern that will be attending so they can be included in the breakfast and lunch count.

Plan on bringing an electronic device in order to access the agenda and conference materials.

Please remember to respond to the Google Survey that was shared in the July 15th JAM, to register for the Cornhole activity!

Appropriate dress for the conference is business casual. We look forward to seeing you!

Last Call ~ Get your registration completed by July 26th!

We are excited to hold the first (and maybe last) cornhole tournament at our Administrative Leadership Conference on Wednesday, August 4th, at Mountain Ridge High School. Whether you are familiar with cornhole or this is the first you've heard about it, we want everyone to participate!

Click Here to go to the registration form! Please complete the form by July 26th!

While you may be taking a vacation this summer, the NEED for blood donations is not.

Blood Donations have fallen to their lowest point ever this summer. Donating blood takes less than 1 hour and can help save up to 3 lives. An ARUP Blood Services blood donation center is only 20 minutes away.

Your Blood Donation is needed NOW! Please share the attached "Bleed to Feed" flyers to faculty, staff, PTSA members, school social media, family and friends.

The Teaching and Learning department has brought back 5 teacher specialists in the literacy department to support schools through the coming school year. Refer to the attached document to see which specialist has been assigned to your school. The specialists will be reaching out to principals to schedule a time to meet and go over a check list of items that will help schools have a successful literacy launch.

Teacher Specialist Assignments

Literacy Check List

The Jordan Education Foundation has a STEM-Focused committee. The purpose of this committee is to strengthen STEM in Jordan District. A special emphasis of this committee is to assist the Middle Schools. Donna Hunter will be the liaison to the JEF STEM Committee representing the District Secondary schools.

Bruce Cutler, the chair of the STEM Advisory Committee, would like to visit with your school personnel who have a passion for STEM. The purpose of the visit is to determine what your needs are and how the Jordan Education Foundation can help. He will be reaching out to each middle school principal to set up a time to visit. You can also contact Bruce via email at

School/Department Administrators and Administrative Assistants:

The Human Resource department is excited to roll out the new recruiting system (Frontline Recruiting/Hiring).

This new system provides the following advantages:
- A more streamlined process to recruit and hire new employees
- All positions will be on the same recruiting system
- A fully electronic recruiting process
- The same recruitment system for both licensed and ESP employees

We are now live with all ESP and non-licensed positions. Effective October 1, 2021, all Licensed positions will be posted on Frontline.

We will be providing additional training opportunities for administrators and administrative assistants. All trainings will be at the District Office room #129. Please bring a laptop for the hands-on training. For available dates/times and to schedule a training session, visit the link below.

Also available on HRConnections and AdminOnly are the training videos and tutorials. Contract Brent Burge at #88224 if you have any questions.


Human Resources

Principals and Administrative Assistants:

The Elementary and Secondary Student Registration books are now posted online and all documents will be linked to Skyward registration for new students.

You can find these books on the Student Services webpage by clicking on the Registration and Enrollment tab under "Parents and Students" on the Jordan District website or by using this link: . At the bottom of the page you will find both the English and Spanish versions for Elementary and Secondary schools.

Feel free to print hard copies of any forms or documents found in the books. Hint: If you click on the document page in the table of contents, there is a link to take you directly to that page.

Please bookmark this site as once new student Skyward registration is closed, you will need to access the documents in this book when students come into your school to register.

We ask that you allow for your classroom assistants to attend a Literacy Launch training where they will learn to use the assessments and lessons from 95% Group that will be used for reading interventions in the Walk to Read program for each school. The training will take place at the ASB on the dates and times listed below. Please invite any assistant who would benefit from this training to sign up on JPLS.

Wednesday August 11, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
Wednesday August 11 12:30-4:00 PM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
Monday August 16, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Presentation Rm (50 people)
Tuesday August 23, 8:00-11:30 AM, ASB Auditorium (100 people)

Principals, our Facility Services department could use your help by encouraging your staff to reduce our excessive energy usage this summer. Facility Services administration has recently performed an audit of the portable buildings throughout the District. It was discovered that 8 out of 10 portables were unoccupied, had lights on and air-conditioning running during the first week of July.

Please work directly with your custodians and other staff members to ensure that everyone is doing their part. The following directives are designed to reduce excessive energy usage as temperature continues to soar above 100 degrees.

  • AC needs to be turned off in all the portables and should remain off unless in use.
  • Adjust thermostats: For portables that are being used occasionally, set the thermostat to 85 degrees for periods when unoccupied.
  • Reduce your lighting: Turn off lights in unoccupied areas that are not needed for security and safety.
  • Office equipment: Setting computers, monitors, and copiers to sleep-mode can reduce energy use by 40%.
  • Windows and Doors: Use curtains and shades when the portables are not in use. Keeping doors and windows closed and locked will help reduce inside temperatures and security problems.
  • Concerns about heat damage to supplies or equipment: Smaller items like crayons, or ink cartridges, can be relocated inside the building or stored in styrofoam coolers. Larger items like musical instruments should be relocated inside the school building. Computers are okay to remain in an unairconditioned portables as long as they are powered off.

Thank you for your help

Steve Peart
Director of Custodial / Energy Services

Teaching and Learning is in the process of ordering materials and planning for the Secondary Instructional Coach Institute (ICI). This is the final call for the finalized counts and names for all secondary coaches. Please review the attached spreadsheet and make the necessary revisions for your school before July 22, 2021. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact Chris Westra at 801-567-8657.

2021-2022 Secondary Coach Contact List

July 8, 2021

All District Employees

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Consultant

Required Annual Training to Help Prevent Child Sex Abuse

Per state statue all school district employees are to be trained annually concerning Child Sex Abuse Prevention or Human Trafficking Prevention. This year (2021-2022) Child Sex Abuse training will be replacing the Human Trafficking Prevention training conducted last year in Crucial Concerns and Policies.

What:                          An on-line training from Prevent Child Abuse Utah
Who:                           All adult school district employees
Time:                           1 hour to complete
Date:                           May begin now but must be completed by October.
Link to training:      Preventing Child Abuse An Online Course for Adults Working With Youth

At the end of the training there will be a Certificate of Completion that should be printed by the employee for their records.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2021:

  • Jarom Airhart, administrative intern at Academy Park and Plymouth Elementary in Granite School District, appointed assistant principal at Aspen and Terra Linda Elementary.
  • Aubri Moench, teacher at Fox Hollow Elementary, appointed assistant principal at Riverton and Jordan Hills Elementary.

Elementary Principals:

The following message is being sent to all elementary personnel:

Calendar Alignment to Quarters

We hope you’re enjoying your summer and getting some much needed and deserved rest. In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, we wanted to make you aware of a couple of items.  As you know, Jordan School District will no longer have any year-round schools this fall. As a result, it becomes possible to align calendars at all levels to provide clarity and consistency for families and employees.  In order to accomplish this, elementary schools will be adjusting from a trimester to a quarter calendar. We will continue to have parent teacher conferences twice a year at approximately the end of first and third quarter. An updated 2021-2022 calendar is available on the district website. More details will be provided at the beginning of the school year.

Thank you for your dedicated work on behalf of students.


Welcome to the 2021-2022 contract year! As an annual reminder, in accordance with DP326 NEG H. 1. and 2. and DP324 NEG H. 1. and 2., participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Leave Bank requires an employee to annually donate one day of accumulated annual leave into the Sick Leave Bank. The Employee-Funded Sick Leave Bank is not intended to be used for in-and-out absences, elective medical procedures or other medical care that could be scheduled during non-contract time.

Each year, employees wishing to opt out of participation in the sick bank must annually complete the appropriate online form in Employee Access no later than September 1 for current employees and October 1 for first-year licensed employees, including administrators. This opt out request must be submitted annually.

Prior to completion of this form, it is strongly encouraged to review all District Leave Policies.

Please see tutorial below.

July 6, 2021

Secondary School Principals
Secondary School Financial Secretaries

John Larsen, Business Administrator
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets and Audits
Jason Mott, Accountant/Internal Auditor

School Bank Account Balances for June 30, 2021

Please send the following information for each bank account balance as of June 30, 2021 to Accounting by Thursday, July 22, 2021. If you have multiple bank accounts, please list each account separately. If your account has been closed, please write “Closed” in space below.

School Name
Name of Bank
Type of Account (checking, savings, money market)
Account Balance

The balance requested is the balance from your June bank statements, not Skyward. This information is required annually and will be used to complete reporting requirements for Utah Money Management Council.

If you have questions or need assistance, please call Jason Mott at (801)567-8388.

Thank you.

Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Cody Curtis, Administrator of Schools