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USBE Approved Five Educator Licensing Rules/Amendments – May 2020

Greetings Utah Educators and Leaders!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the fleeting last weeks of the “New Now” school year.  It has been absolutely marvelous to see all of the amazing work that Utah educators are doing to support their students and communities.  Every time I get out of the house for a drive as a break from isolation, I am blissfully berated by beautiful signs, posters, and balloons supporting both students and teachers.  It is a bright spot in my day and makes me smile as I reflect on the monumental work you are all doing.

Last Thursday, the Utah State Board of Education approved five educator licensing rules/amendments; this also makes me smile!  Thanks to feedback from LEAs, educator preparation programs, and educators, we have made some modifications to the pending licensing structure.  I have linked each of the rules’ draft if you want to look at the precise language.  For your convenience in these busy times, I have provided a shortlist of the changes within each rule.

R277-301 – Educator Licensing

  • Communication Disorders license area now called: Audiologist
  • Associate Educator Licenses, License Areas, or Endorsements are valid for THREE years, with a one-year extension available.
  • Currently licensed educators who apply to add an Associate Educator License Area, do not need to complete the Canvas Pedagogical Modules.
  • Applicants with an educator license from out-of-state and at least one year of teaching may waive the content knowledge (PRAXIS) and pedagogical assessment requirements.
  • LEA-Specific licenses may be granted in special education and preschool special education license areas provided the LEA meets other requirements for LEA-Specific licensure and provides educator special education law training within the first month of employment.
  • Eminence License rules outlined, moved from R277-309.

R277-302 – Educator License Renewal

  • Professional educator licenses may be renewed with 100 points in four categories:  professional learning experiences, educator collaboration opportunities, professional service, and alternate learning opportunities.  Note that teaching experience is no longer an option for points’ accrual.  Please see the rule for more details.  Resources and renewal forms from USBE are forthcoming.
  • LEAs are required to provide a minimum of 20 points/hours of professional learning to educators each year.
  • Professionally licensed educators may choose to use the current renewal system (200 points including teaching experience points) until June 30, 2025.

R277-303 – Teacher Preparation Programs

  • An Alternate Pathway to Professional Educator Licensure (APPEL) program may be developed by and individual LEA or a consortium of LEAs.

R277-306 – EPPs for School Psychologists, Audiologists, SLPs, SLTs, and Counselors

  • School Counselor license area requires a master’s degree in school counseling or a master’s degree in a related field and a licensure program.

R277-309 – Appropriate Licensing of Teachers

  • Eminence License rules removed and moved to R277-301.

R277-500 – Licensing Renewal (REPEALED)

As we move into “The Near Future,” services are becoming more available; educator-related services are included!  Specifically, fingerprinting services and testing services are now opening!  Hooray!!!

Some fingerprinting locations have started processing fingerprints on a limited basis.  Please encourage educators who need to complete a background check to call ahead to verify hours and operation precautions, such as wearing a face mask.  If your LEA is doing fingerprinting, please work to establish policies and procedures, including the use of appropriate PPE (gloves, masks, etc.), to keep your employees and those you serve safe.

ETS has announced the Praxis® tests at home solution in response to closures of testing centers. Registration for the first wave of tests begins on May 15 with the first test administration taking place on May 18.  While not all of the content assessments will be offered in the first wave of tests at home, most will be available by June 1st.  ETS’ COVID-19 website has been updated with some key information regarding the at home solution.

As you encourage your educators to meet requirements for licensure, including background checks and testing, the Educator Licensing team is optimistic that these adjustments will help educators become appropriately licensed prior to the upcoming school year.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  I know that many changes to licensing (an already complicated arena) lend itself to more questions.  We are here to help you support teachers!

Thank you for all that you do to support Utah’s students and teachers!  We will charge into “The New Future” together!

Kindest regards,



Malia Hite, Ed.D.

Educator Licensing Coordinator

Teaching & Learning   |  Utah State Board of Education

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