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Custodial Workshop Reminder – March 18 and May 20, 2020

The last two custodial workshops for this school year will be on March 18th and May 20th in the ASB presentation room from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. These workshops serve to train all the Head Custodians, and to update any new information pertinent to their positions. In an effort to insure that these workshops are productive trainings, the Custodial/Energy Services Department would like to address any ongoing, widespread problems or concerns that you might have. Additionally we are also looking for positive examples of individuals that are doing things right.

  • If you are aware of any issues or concerns that you feel need to be addressed in this workshop, please let me know about them, so that they can be addressed.
  • As a department, we are very interested in recognizing any custodial staff members that are doing an exceptional job. If you have someone on your custodial staff that deserves some public recognition for the exceptional job they are doing, please let us know. We are hoping that by having very specific examples, we can use these examples as best practices in our custodial workshop training to improve the service provided by all Custodian in the District.
  • As always, I am also very interested in individual concerns or problems so that our office can help those individuals with their training needs in a more private setting.


Steve Peart
Director of Custodial/Energy Services

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