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Jordan School District EDUROAM Wireless Network Access – January 2020

What is eduroam?
Eduroam is a secure, world-wide wireless network available to the international research and education community. Eduroam allows any user from an eduroam participating site to get wireless network access at any institution connected to eduroam. The eduroam wireless network is available in thousands of locations across more than a hundred countries worldwide.

What does this mean for Jordan School District now that we are an eduroam participating site?
As you travel to other participating school districts and universities, look for a wireless network called Eduroam. If you see one called Eduroam, you can connect to it using your Jordan School District email address as the user name and your Active Directory password (the same password you use to login to your computer every day). Likewise, visitors to Jordan School District from other participating school districts and universities will now be able to connect to our Eduroam wireless network using their school district or university login and password.

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