Elementary Principals:
Please share with 6th grade teachers.
Jordan School District will administer the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to all 6th grade students in November and December of 2019. The CogAT measures general reasoning abilities in three domains: verbal, quantitative and spatial. These abilities reflect the cognitive processes and strategies that enable individuals to learn new tasks and solve problems. The results of the assessment will:
- Inform middle school programming decisions.
- Identify students with high-potential in an equitable manner.
- Provide helpful data about students’ abilities and needs.
The test will be administered online, during school hours. A staff member from Teaching & Learning will proctor the assessment. Teachers are asked to help monitor the testing events.
School administrators, 6th grade teachers, and the site testing coordinator can collaborate to set a testing schedule that will best meet the school’s needs. All testing should be completed between the dates of Monday, November 4 - Friday, December 6, 2019. Please record schedule by teacher on the List of 6th Grade Teachers before October 18.
The total testing time is 90 minutes. The test sections include:
- Quantitative – Three 10-minute subtests
- The first testing session may take a few more minutes due to an optional, short system tutorial.
- Nonverbal– Three 10-minute subtests
- Verbal– Three 10-minute subtests
The assessment can be administered in three separate sessions across multiple days or within one day. It can also be administered in one complete session.
There are three practice tests that should be reviewed with students 1-5 days before test administration. The practice tests are designed to help students become familiar with the types of questions found on the assessment. Reviewing the practice tests will standardize the testing experience.
- Each practice test can be done as a whole class, using a projection system.
- A hardcopy of the practice assessments will be provided to each 6th grade teacher.
- Either the teacher or the proctor can review the practice tests with the students.
Within the next week, the Jordan District communications office will distribute parent notification letters in regards to the CogAT testing. If parents choose to opt out of the assessment, they will bring the opt out form to the school. Results of the assessment will be shared with you and with parents after the assessment process is complete.
Of note: The CogAT is different than most other tests students take. The test includes analogies, sentence completion, and comparisons. Students usually enjoy taking the CogAT assessment process.
For more information about the CogAT assessment, please visit:
- https://www.riversideinsights.com/solutions/cogat
- https://www.riversideinsights.com/apps/cogat
Please contact Rebecca Smith (88368) or the Teaching & Learning staff member assigned to your school with any questions you may have.