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2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops

August 22, 2024

Building Principals
Elementary Administrative Assistants
Secondary Registrars
Secondary Attendance Secretaries

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops

As mentioned in a previous memo, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, processing for 10-day drops may begin on September 3 and 4. Planning & Enrollment will begin preparing “Done.0” FTE allocation recommendations for Cabinet shortly thereafter. Please note the following tasks that MUST BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2024.


  • Ensuring hiring totals are updated on your school’s Enrollment Dashboard. Each year, once Done.0 has been issued, multiple schools require adjustments due to forgetting to update hiring totals. This impacts the availability of funds to address critical needs throughout the District. If hiring totals are not accurate on the Dashboard AND in Skyward, the school may need to fund positions through alternative budgets.
  • Ensure that hiring does not exceed the 2.0 allocation issued in February 2024. Even if enrollment has increased above projections, schools are not authorized to hire above 2.0 without the express consent of the Superintendent and Cabinet.
  • Hiring also should not exceed qualified FTE totals based on enrollment as of Day 10.
  • ELEMENTARY: Many schools have not recorded hiring for their BTS instructor. Total FTE for the position should be entered in column E of row 33; budgets paying for that FTE should be recorded in row 76.

Admin Assistants / Attendance Secretaries / Registrars

  • Work with teachers to try to generate accurate attendance for the first ten days. At the secondary level, if a single teachers does not record a student absence during the first ten days, Skyward will not identify the student as continuously absent.
    • The “Suspect or Questionable Attendance Report” (located in Office > Attendance . Reports > Verification Reports) may be beneficial in identifying teachers who are not accurately recording attendance. Run the report for a specific day of school and select the “Validate Limited Student Presence” option. This will identify students who have been marked absent in most periods but have a small number of periods where the student was marked present. The report will also identify the teacher who may not have accurately recorded attendance.
  • Review the previous memo on 10-Day drops, 2024-25 Preparations for Done.0 and 10-Day Drops, and be ready to run reports, withdraw students, and report completion of drops.
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