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English Learner Exit Criteria Update is Approved

The 2023 ESSA Updated English Learner (EL) Exit criteria has been approved. Please review your 2022 WIDA ACCESS results and exit all students who received a minimum overall composite score of 4.2 and a minimum score of 3.5 in the speaking domain. Exit letters, based on the updated exit criteria, must be sent within the first 30 days of the LEAs school year.

Teacher-parent-students conferences must be completed by the conclusion of the LEA’s scheduled fall conferences. Students that were exited with a composite of 5.0 or higher in the spring will remain exited. More information will be provided in upcoming listserv memos and in meetings.

Things to adjust:
Class schedule
ESL study skills course
Placing students in the correct LA course
Placing students in any concurrent AP courses that they have applied and
qualified for

How do you print the letters?
Check out how to create and print the letters through ELLevation here.

Mailing letters home is usually delegated to a secretary/registrar with enrollment access
with the help of ELD Leads if needed.

  1. Make 2 physical copies of each ML's 2023 WIDA Scores (Delivered personally
    by the Evaluation, Research, & Accountability department)
  2. Print Letters from ELLevation (be sure to save a copy to student profiles for
    your records)
  3. Print labels for MLs and prepare envelopes
  4. Mail letters and scores to families in English and their home language
  5. Place 2nd copy of scores in students' permanent files


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