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Special Education Paraprofessional Positions – Updated March 2023


All open special education paraprofessional positions that you have will be closed on Friday, March 24, 2023. You will have to reopen them on Monday, April 3, 2023. We need to close the current para positions so that we can post the new job descriptions and pay lane since our new salary schedule goes into effect on April 3, 2023.

Also, Teacher Specialists will be bringing your paraprofessionals’ individual letters and a progression pay chart around to each of you to give to your paraprofessionals. These letters have where each individual was on the past pay scale and where they will be moved to. There is a possibility that a few will not move based on time and experience or that they haven’t yet completed the training. Please feel free to give them to your folks as soon as possible. Hourly employees will see the effect of the increase on the May paycheck. Contracted employees will see the change on their April paycheck. 


Please let us know if you have questions.



 Kim Lloyd
Special Education Director
Jordan School District

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