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Medicaid Reporting Requirements in EasyTrac

December 13, 2022

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Kim Lloyd, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Guidance Consultant

Medicaid Reporting Requirements in EasyTrac

Beginning this year, the state changed how districts report special education services that are eligible to receive funding from Medicaid. Special education service providers are now required to enter services in EasyTrac for Medicaid billing. Medicaid funding is critical to the function of special education services in the District and accurate EasyTrac documentation is vital. Service providers should be logging the services they provide in EasyTrac regularly.

Monthly EasyTrac logging reminders will be sent to school psychologists and other service providers to assist in this effort. It is, however, strongly recommended that Administrators regularly follow up with all special education service providers (special educators, clinical support staff, school psychologists and elementary school counselors) regarding their timely and accurate logging in EasyTrac.

Questions about EasyTrac should be directed to Brenda Cruz in Special Education.


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