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G Suite Content Monitoring (BARK) Notification Procedures – September 2021

September 30, 2021

All administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

G Suite Content Monitoring (BARK) notification procedures

The G Suite content monitoring software (BARK) is now active. As the program begins roll-out and we get an idea of the implementation, you will begin receiving communications from Angie Rasmussen, the Student Safety and Wellness Specialist. Once an alert is received, an organized process will be followed and the attached document is an overview of how BARK alerts will be processed and communicated. Please review the attachment. Additional training and information will be provided as needed in coming weeks.

It will be critical that all administrators keep Angie Rasmussen’s contact information readily available (we would encourage you to keep her contact information in your cell phone contacts). Her contact information is:

Work Phone:     801-567-8197
Cell Phone:     801-859-5022

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we implement this critical safety and wellness measure. Please direct any questions directly to Angie.

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