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2021-22 Acadience Reading Grades 4-6 Testing Materials

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Elementary School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Reading Grades 4-6 Testing Materials

For the 2021-22 school year and beyond, the state Legislature will be funding Amplify licenses for students in grades 4-6, thus making it possible for all grades 4-6 students to participate in Acadience Reading benchmark testing and progress monitoring. USBE will be rostering students to mClass and Information Systems will be rostering teachers. This process will be completed by soon and teachers will receive their mClass accounts. As part of the Literacy Launch, participating 4-6th grade teachers were trained on the administration procedures for Acadience Reading benchmarks. Those teachers who did not participate in the summer training will need to wait to administer the benchmarks to their students until they have been trained later this fall as part of the Literacy Launch.

Attached with this memo are the test administration materials listed below. School administrators are asked to pass the information from this memo and the attached materials onto their grades 4-6 teachers.

Grades 4-6 Acadience Reading Test Administration Materials:

  • Student benchmark materials (stories for all three benchmark periods)
  • Student progress monitoring materials
  • Instructions for administering the Daze

For any questions about testing procedures, please contact Ben Jameson or Shannon Johnson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.

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