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Summer School Completion

Thank you for your efforts to make summer school a positive experience for your students. I have loved hearing stories of what a difference it has made. Please continue to share them! As you finish up your summer school sessions, it is important that the steps below are completed so reimbursements are not held back.

  • Ensure your teachers are getting paid! You must report hours worked to payroll through one of the following:
    • Print the timesheet from your school ESSER II Worksheet and send to payroll
    • Have teachers fill out individual timesheets and send to payroll
    • Complete a group timesheet and send to payroll
    • Have teachers use True Time
  • Provide a list of all teachers and assistants working summer school on your school ESSER II Worksheet. 
  • Provide a summary of summer school to include:
    • Number of students participating
    • Number of credits recovered (9th - 12th grades only)
    • Summary of summer school results such as pre/post scores OR number and list of courses offered OR a written description, etc. (Elementary, 7th, and 8th grades only)  

Please feel free to contact Shelley Nordick (ext. 88122) if you have any questions

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