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2021-22 Proposed Draft for Secondary Coaching Schedule

June 2, 2021

Secondary School Principals

Teaching and Learning Coaching Team
Chris Richards-Khong, Amy Kinder, Jared Covili, Pam Su’a, Rebecca Lee, Beth Lewis

2021-2022 Secondary Coaching Professional Development and PLC Proposal

The secondary level principals and coaches were surveyed during the month of May regarding logistical preferences for the delivery of the JSD Instructional Coach Institute (ICI) and the Coaching Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

After reviewing responses to the survey, the Teaching and Learning Coaching Team constructed draft models to reflect survey participants’ preferences. The team also consulted the JSD School Board decisions surrounding the future Friday schedule.

Attached to this memorandum are the proposed draft session options. Please review these session options with the coaches who are staffed for the 2021-22 school year as soon as possible. Your considerations and feedback are important in guiding the final model which will be made available to secondary coaches.

A meeting will be hosted for those administrators interested in a dialogue and final drafting of the model. Please contact Chris Westra if you are interested in participating in this meeting so that you may be included on the doodle poll for time and place. The following individuals have been previously noted as interested participants: Dixie Garrison, Michael Glenn, Bryan Leggat, Nicole Johnson, Eric Price. All are welcome. Those principals who are not attending the meeting should submit comments, questions, suggestions, and option preferences to Chris Westra by June 11, 2021 and they will be included in the considerations.

Contact for Chris Westra
Phone: 801-567-8657


Brad Sorensen
Cody Curtis
Shelley Nordick

Click HERE for the proposed draft session options or see the attachment below.


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