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USBE School Climate Survey Results – May 2021

Thursday, May 27, 2021

All School Administrators

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2021 USBE School Climate Survey Reports and Data Analysis Protocol

The window for the 2021 USBE School Climate Survey closed on May 7th.  Tableau dashboards have been prepared for school administrators to view survey results for their school as well as the district.

There are four categories of dashboards:

  • Adult School Climate Survey – These dashboards contain survey results for adult respondents, including school administrators, licensed educators, education support professionals and parents.
  • Student Climate Survey:
    • Grades K-2
    • Grades 3-5
    • Grades 6-12

The district report may be found here.

School reports may be found here.

The USBE School Climate Survey dashboards may also be found by going to the Explore menu in your Tableau Viewer account:

Explore > Surveys > USBE School Climate Survey > District Report

Explore > Surveys > USBE School Climate Survey > School Reports

Dashboards containing survey results also have filters that may be used to dig deeper into the survey data: Gender, race/ethnicity and respondent type.  The filters are determined from survey responses.

As a reminder, the USBE School Climate Survey was administered instead of the district’s annual Stakeholder Survey for this year only.  Thus, survey respondents did not have an opportunity to respond to question items regarding individual educators.  No individual educator score reports were generated nor is there a need to distribute them to educators as we have done in the past.  The district’s Stakeholder Survey will return in the 2021-22 school year.

A school climate survey data analysis protocol is also included with this memo.  It is recommended that school administrative teams take some time over the summer break to go through the data analysis protocol together.  It is also suggested that the protocol be used with JELL teams and/or other pertinent leadership teams in the school that deal with school climate issues.  If having a group of teachers work with the Tableau dashboards is something principals are interested in, temporary access to the climate survey results may be granted through Tableau.  Please contact Ben Jameson for more information.

Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions about the dashboards or the survey.

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