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2020-21 Evaluation Clarification

Below is information to clarify how full evaluations will be completed. Remember that only provisional teachers will complete a full evaluation.

  • In Class Teacher (In the Building)
    • Two classroom observations
    • No interview
  • Online Teacher
    • Complete teacher specialist evaluation on JPLS
    • Upload evidence into JPLS
    • Include at least 2 video clips as part of evidence
  • Psychologists, Counselors
    • Complete on JPLS
    • Upload evidence into JPLS

Administrators may sign up for a virtual training to help refresh the features of the Perform evaluation system. The trainings will last up to two hours depending on need. These trainings will begin next week. To register search “Administrator Perform Refresher” in JPLS. A Zoom link will be sent out to participants before the training.

Administrators may use the bubble sheet to complete observations and enter the information into Perform. If you need help entering the data, please contact the JES office for assistance.

Teachers who will be evaluated using the Perform system now have access to sign up for the Canvas training through JPLS. Teachers who will be evaluated using the JPLS system (teacher specialists) do not need to complete the training as the training focuses on the in-class observations. Have teachers search “UETS-based JPAS Online Training 2020-2021” in JPLS to register.

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