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2023 Teen Center Grant – Available Immediately

March 9, 2023

High School Principals
High School Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Student Support Consultant

Teen Center Grant

Student Support Services has been awarded a grant to fund Teen Center efforts in each high school and is immediately available for schools to use. The bulk of the grant money will go to one high school to create a fully-functioning teen center. The funding includes a 0.50 FTE salary match for a classified employee to staff the teen center. This year Herriman High School has been awarded the bulk of the grant funds to establish a fully-functioning Teen Center operational in Fall 2023. All other high schools were awarded $8,000 to supplement their existing Principals Pantry and supports for homeless/at-risk students.

Please see the memo below for all of the details!


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