January 5, 2023
Elementary School Administrators
Middle School Administrators
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
RISE Summative Annual Teacher Training
School administrators are encouraged to share the following information with those who will administer the RISE summative assessments in your buildings:
The RISE assessment window will be open from March 14, 2023, until June 2, 2023. Many teachers only use the RISE systems once a year, and so need a yearly training on how it all works. Only teachers who will administer the tests need to be trained.
The following teacher training webinars are already scheduled. Each webinar lasts 45 minutes. Teachers can join at the following link on any date/time listed:
- Friday, March 3 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, March 10 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, March 17 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, March 24 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, April 7 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, April 14 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, April 28 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, May 5 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM
- Friday, May 12 @ 9 AM or 1:10 PM.
For middle schools, there will be a webinar each Friday at 8:15 am for Utah Aspire Plus and a webinar at 9 am for RISE, so both can be done in the same morning.
Each teacher of a RISE course will be sent an email with information about the webinar schedule and the link to join.
If school administrators plan to conduct their own training, slides and other materials are provided here: RISE Summative Faculty Training. Teacher video tutorials are available here: RISE (teachers) Youtube playlist. There is also a Canvas course available: Teachers may participate in the Canvas course in lieu of in-person training. The same material is covered.
Please direct any questions you have regarding this training to Brooke Anderson, 801- 567-8393 or