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Testing Ethics Reminder – Parents Should Not Proctor State Assessments

Thursday, December 1, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Testing Ethics Reminder – Parents Should Not Proctor State Assessments

Principals are asked to share the following information with their faculty at their earliest convenience.

This is a friendly reminder about a few less known but important aspects of the state’s testing ethics policy:

  • All state assessments must be proctored under the supervision of a licensed educator.
  • Unless they are an employee of Jordan School District, parents should not be proctoring any state assessments.
  • Unless they are an employee of Jordan School District, parents should not be allowed in the classroom where students are taking a state assessment. In addition, the public is not allowed to view secure test items or to observe testing sessions.
  • All educators, education support professionals, and administrators who participate in state assessment administration and/or proctoring must complete the annual testing ethics training. As part of their crucial concerns and policies checkoff, licensed employees have completed this training already. School administrators must complete testing ethics training with any ESPs that will participate in any way in the administration of state assessments (see JAM memo dated 8/18/2022 for procedures and training materials).

Testing ethics violations are to be immediately reported to Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability so that an investigation may be initiated. Please contact Ben Jameson with any questions.

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