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Jordan Evaluation Systems BTS Evaluation Change 2022-23

Beginning the 2022-23 academic year, all Beverly Taylor Sorenson (BTS) educators will be evaluated using the UETS-based JPAS tool.

BTS Full Evaluation

  • Two classroom observations
  • Educator uploads required evidence into Perform (stakeholder input, student growth with data)
  • Professional development meeting with goal setting

BTS Interim Evaluation

  • Beginning of the year
    • Self-evaluation
    • Three required goals
    • Evaluator approval
  • End of the year
    • Reflection on three goals
    • BTS educator uploads stakeholder input and student growth with data
    • Evaluator and educator signatures

Action Required: Please let all BTS educators know of the change to their evaluation type so they may be prepared. Contact the JES office with any questions at (801) 567-8369 or

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