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2022 WIDA Access Analysis with School Administrators

Thursday, June 9, 2022

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research & Accountability

WIDA Access Analysis to Support EL Students in Your School

Now that 2022 WIDA Access results have been released, it’s time to use this assessment data to determine next steps to better support EL students in your school. While any school administrators are invited to attend, we strongly encourage principals and assistant principals of schools that have been or potentially will be identified for Targeted School Improvement (TSI) for EL students to attend this workshop.

In this workshop, school administrators will:

  • Learn about how the WIDA Access assesses students’ academic language ability to better understand how to interpret the assessment’s results.
  • Take a deep dive into the most current and longitudinal WIDA Access data for their school.
  • Understand how to interpret and use WIDA Access Individual Student Reports to benefit both EL students and their teachers.
  • Learn how to use Tableau to create targeted lists of students for things like academic mentoring and goal setting, assisting your teachers in knowing what EL students CAN do, and identifying specific areas to target for additional instructional support.
  • Participate in a group forum to brainstorm additional ways to support EL students in your schools.

The workshop will be offered on two separate dates to accommodate summer schedules, but school administrators need only attend one of the sessions. School administrative teams are encouraged to attend together. Principals may also choose to bring ELD leads, instructional coaches or members of their school leadership team, though there is no funding to compensate teachers for attending.

Date Time Location JPLS Course #

Tuesday, June 21st




9-12 pm



ASB – PDC 101


Participants are invited to register in JPLS using course # 101902


Tuesday, July 12th


For questions about the workshop, please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.

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