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Instructions for Using $1000 Suicide Prevention Grant Funds – 2021-22

December 2, 2021

All school administrators and administrative assistants

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Instructions for using $1000 suicide prevention grant funds

Administrators and Administrative Assistants,

Each school has been awarded $1000 from a State suicide prevention grant “to implement evidence-based practices and programs, or emerging best practices and programs, for preventing suicide.”

Some common ways this fund is spent by schools is on HopeSquad, Sources of Strength, training and stipends, curriculum costs, parent education, and student-focused education and prevention efforts or assemblies. Jordan’s suicide prevention guidelines can be reviewed here.

Approved expenses can be reimbursed through a journal entry or can be coded to this grant using the program number 5674. Contact Carmen Covarrubias (88203, in Student Services with questions regarding reimbursements or using your school’s grant funds. Any time this fund is used, copies of invoices and/or receipts will need to be sent to Carmen for reimbursement from the State.

Contact McKinley Withers (88245, with questions about approved expenses related to training, curriculum and suicide prevention (no treats, T-shirts, or other rewards/incentives are allowed).

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