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Legislative Classroom Supplies Appropriation for 2021-22

August 2, 2021

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Legislative Classroom Supplies Appropriation for 2021-22

In preparation for the new school year, we are providing you with Record of Receipt envelopes for distribution to teachers. Teachers should use these envelopes to record and keep receipts for supply purchases made throughout the year. This year each eligible teacher will receive $175.00 for supply purchases. As in the past, teachers working less than full-time will receive a portion of the $175 based on the FTE rate listed on the school’s Skyward FTE report. The language in paragraph two of the Guidelines (printed on the back of the envelope) was revised to reflect the change in the amount. If you have envelopes left from the previous school year, please discard them and issue only the new envelopes dated 5/20/21.

It is anticipated that the legislative supply funds will be deposited to teacher’ bank accounts on about the 24th of September. The supply money is not included in a paycheck, but rather as a separate deposit to the bank account the teacher provided to the Payroll Department. If you have teachers that received permission to carry over funds from the prior year, please write the amount in the box entitled “carry-over funds” on the teacher’s envelope so it can be added to the “new funds-current year” amount. If a teacher with a carry-over amount transferred to a different school within the District and your principal gave the teacher permission to use his/her carry-over amount at the new school, please communicate this information to the administrative assistant at the new school so they can record the information on the teacher’s envelope. If a teacher with a carry-over amount resigns, the teacher will need to return the funds to the school either via a payroll deduction, check, or cash payment.

Immediately following the September 24 distribution of supply money, you will receive 1) an FTE report which lists the teachers assigned to your school and 2) a disbursements report which lists the amount of money each received. These documents should be kept for reference throughout the year.

One last reminder: If a teacher resigns during the year, please insure that they turn in their legislative supply envelope prior to leaving. If the resigning teacher has a balance remaining of unspent funds, a request for a payroll deduction should be sent to Sarah Palmer, director of Payroll Services. The teacher can also return the funds by check or cash made payable to the school.

As always, if you have questions or need additional envelopes, please feel free to contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or

Thank you for your assistance with the legislative supply money.


Anthony Godfrey
Mike Anderson
Cody Curtis
April Gaydosh
Jill Durrant
Rebecca Gerber
June LeMaster
Lisa Robinson
Brad Sorensen
Dan Ellis
Jason Mott
Mike Heaps
Jeri Gamble
Sarah Palmer
Kelly Giffin, JEA

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