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2021-22 Educator Wellness Representative Opportunity!

July 22, 2021

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness Consultant

Educator Wellness Representative Opportunity!

During the 2020-21 school year, Health and Wellness began a new initiative that allowed schools to select an “Educator Wellness Representative.” Almost all of our District’s schools selected a representative. This group of wellness reps met monthly throughout the school year and collaborated with PEHP, Blomquist Hale, and others to offer opportunities to enhance individual wellness for employees. Wellness reps led efforts across the District that were tailored to their school and several schools secured additional grant funds through this initiative to support their fellow educators.

For the 2021-22 school year we will be able to offer this again!

The purpose of the Educator Wellness Representative initiative is to increase educator wellness by enhancing wellness education and mental health awareness among the school’s adult staff. As part of the initiative, each school may nominate one or two adult staff members (non-administrative) per school as “Educator Wellness Representatives.” Review the information below if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity:

  • Each school will receive up to $500 in stipends paid directly to their wellness reps (each wellness representative will receive $250)
  • Each school that selects wellness representatives will have access to a set of wellness supplies that could be used to support your teacher wellness initiative. Your school's representative will work with your school and the health and wellness team to identify and use supplies according to school needs.
  • Representatives will attend monthly meetings/trainings beginning with a virtual kick-off on September 8th from 4:00-4:30. Wellness reps can split meetings/trainings as their schedule requires if there are two per school.
  • It will be expected that your school's wellness representatives will work with your school's administration to set goals and be a resource in communicating essential wellness information and supporting wellness initiatives with your school's staff.

We are excited to use this group to disseminate great information and provide tools and strategies to help your school staff maintain wellness throughout the school year.

To select your wellness representative(s), please fill out this short Google Form by September 3rd. If you have questions, please contact McKinley Withers, 801-567-8245.

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