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Elementary: ELA Assessment and Intervention Information and Flowchart – September 2020

As students return to the classroom, the focus of instruction must be on grade-level standards, along with appropriate scaffolds that make the standards accessible to all students. Instead of sending students backwards to fill in all the potential gaps in their learning, teachers are encouraged to focus on filling in the most critical gaps at the moment they’re needed (just-in-time) rather than halting progress on grade-level instruction to address deficiencies in previous grade-level standards (just-in-case). Providing “just-in-time” scaffolds addresses the content knowledge and skills students need to engage in the most immediate work of the grade at the moment it is needed.

In a context of uncertainty, it can be challenging to monitor how well students have retained skills and are learning new skills, while keeping mindful of students' social-emotional wellness.

The JSD Assessment and Intervention Flowchart is provided to guide the process of assessing and intervening during this unique time. Schools are encouraged to use the attached assessment flow chart, summarized below:

  • SCREENER (All Students) Screeners are typically quick to administer and provide predictive information about academic successes. Screeners are not designed to map out completely what students’ specific knowledge and skill deficits might be. Screeners are used to determine which students are performing below grade level or proficiency level.

o   K-3 Screener: Acadience

o   4-6 Screener: SRI

  • DIAGNOSTIC (Specific Students) Diagnostic testing is provided to students identified through the screener in order to better understand the specific knowledge and skills needing reinforcement and provide appropriately targeted interventions.

o   K-3 Diagnostic given to students scoring well below benchmark (See chart for options)

o   4-6 Diagnostic given to students scoring below grade level (See chart for options)

  • BENCHMARKS (ALL Students) Benchmarks are given to all students periodically through the year. Benchmarks are used to measure progress towards the core standards. They can serve as a reference of rigor in formative assessments. Benchmarks, used in conjunction with formative assessments, help drive instruction.


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