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Release of 2020 ACT 11th Grade Administration Tableau Dashboard

Thursday, July 9, 2020

High School Principals

Shelley Nordick, Ph.D., Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Release of 2020 ACT 11th Grade Administration Tableau Dashboard

A new series of dashboards containing 2020 ACT 11th Grade Administration data have been pushed out to your Tableau Viewer accounts. These dashboards will provide visualizations for the following:

  • District level composite score and benchmark data
  • School level composite score and benchmark data
  • Reporting category performance for each subtest (English, Math, Reading and Science)
  • A school comparison of composite scores and benchmarks
  • Student level data

Each dashboard will contain the following additional information:

  • Data from 2016 to 2020
  • Filters for student groups (chronic absenteeism (absent 10+ days), economically disadvantaged, gender, ELL, race/ethnicity, and special education)
  • Full academic year students (enrolled in your school 160+ days)

Please contact Ben Jameson for questions or additional information about these data.

You may access your ACT dashboards here: - /site/benstableau/workbooks/1638028?:origin=card_share_link

Explore > ACT 11th Grade Administration Analysis – ACT 11th Grade Administration, 2016-2020

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