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Student Discipline/Incident Data Entry in Skyward – Due May 29, 2020

The State has contacted us to please review our discipline referral entries and to make sure each one has an incident code. It is important that the State has our accurate data. Please have this completed by May 29, 2020.

The State reports that there are many data entry issues in Jordan District when entering student discipline/incidents into Skyward. Either incidents are not being entered into Skyward or the data is entered incorrectly. As an example of the latter, we have approximately 2300 incidents in Skyward for this school year whose offense code is one that should be reported to the state. However, at least half of those have not been assigned an incident number which is a key field Skyward uses to determine if it should submit the record to the state.

PLEASE go back and review your discipline logs and make sure that all codes and incident numbers are entered correctly in Skyward. This information is collected state-wide and reported to the State Superintendent, Governor and other state officials.

THANK YOU!! Mary Ann Erdmann

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