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Secondary Hiring Timeline for Known Vacancies – November 2018

Secondary schools who have a “known vacancy” for the 2019-20 school year may advertise for that position immediately after consulting with their Administrator of Schools. “Known vacancies” are classified or licensed positions that a school must fill regardless of enrollment or FTE allocation. Examples of a “known vacancy” include Media Specialist, CTE Coordinator, Athletic Director, Band Director, Head Coach/Advisor, Head Custodian, etc.

Principals must post "known vacancies" for one week before hiring. While hiring internal candidates is highly encouraged, principals are authorized to hire from outside the district. Please be reminded that any internal licensed applicants with a "highly effective" JPAS rating must be given the opportunity to interview as per the District's negotiated agreement with JEA.

If you have a position to fill that you believe would qualify as a "known vacancy," please contact your Administrator of Schools. All other positions, including department chairs, can only be filled after FTE has been allocated.

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