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Approve and Reroute for Electronic Check Requests – September 2018

Skyward has finally sent a release with the approve and reroute for check requests! As a result we wanted to send out some notification and instructions on what you will see and what you will be allowed to do now. Attached is a one page guide showing screenshots of the new reroute capability and some explanation of how it works.

We are trying to update and improve our processes and believe this will be a big benefit to everyone involved in the check disbursement process. If you have any questions about this please let us know.

As you approve your check requests you will now see the third option to approve and reroute a check to another department. So, as you review your check requests please take note of the budget you are charging or notes your admin assistant may have put on the request as these will provide direction of where to reroute requests.

Admin Assistants:
This is great news as you will no longer have to send in paper NPOs for payments out of the Foundation, Special Ed, Title I, etc. We would ask that you work with your principal in some way (note in request, verbal reminder, etc.) to let them know where a given request should be routed to.

DO Departments:
This will change how you see payment requests coming from the elementary schools. Please work with your different department heads to make them aware that checks will now be coming to them through Skyward. As shown in the directions they should see the yellow exclamation icon notifying them of tasks needing to be completed. They will need to check this to review and approve any requests being charged to their respective areas.

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