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Hours Increase to Select Part-Time Classified Positions 2018-19

August 16, 2018

All Principals, Directors and Supervisors

Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent
June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources
Brent Burge, Human Resource Administrator-Classified

Hours Increase to Select Part-Time Classified Positions

With the increasing difficulty in recruiting and retaining qualified part-time classified assistants, assistants working in designated positions are now allowed to work up to 25 hours/week, with principal/director approval. School funds must be used to pay the additional hours worked.

Positions Eligible for 25 Hours/week

  • Classroom Assistants
  • Office Assistants 


  • Only approved funding sources may be used to increase hours.
    • Classroom Assistants (i.e. In-Lieu Funds, Trustlands or Title I)
    • Office Assistants (i.e. In-Lieu Funds) 


  • All hours worked must be in the same job title. Positions may not be combined (i.e. office/classroom or classroom/Special Education) to avoid pay discrepancies between positions.
  • Assistants who work 25 hours/week will not be allowed to substitute teach.


  • Classroom assistant (17 hours “0050” plus eight hours Trustlands)
  • Classroom assistant (15 hours Title I plus 10 hours In-Lieu Funds)
  • Office assistant (17 hours “0050” plus eight hours In-Lieu Funds) 


  • Submit a change form to HR to increase hours up to 25/week (.625 FTE).
    • The change form must indicate which budget(s) will be used and the percentage for each budget.
  • All hours worked will be paid according to the budget percentage entered in Skyward, regardless of the percentage of time worked out of each budget during the month.
  • Only one position will be used in TrueTime. TrueTime must be used to track all hours worked.

If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 801-567-8150.

Cc:      Cabinet

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