Hey Utah Schools:
How did your school use its School LAND Trust Funds this school year? Show and tell us, and you could win an extra $1000 in School LAND Trust Funds for your school.
- Take a fun photo showing how your school used its School LAND Trust Funds this school year
- Post to Instagram with a short description, including your school's full name, district, and #SITLAfunds17
Email it to sitlanews@utah.gov by April 28 and we'll post it for you
- Get students, teachers, parents, everyone to vote for your photo
- Two schools will win $1000 each
1) photo with the most likes, and 2) judges' choice photo
This contest is co-sponsored by the School Children's Trust Office at the Utah State Board of Education and the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA). Visit the #SITLAfunds17 website for more information.