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SCRAM Data Due by the end of day Friday, November 4, 2016

October 17, 2016

All Special Educators and Related Service Providers

Laura Finlinson, Administrator of Curriculum/Staff Development & Special Programs
Lisa Robinson, Director of Special Education
Julie Brown, Program Specialist-Special Education
Kristy Whiteside, Program Specialist-Special Education

Important Deadline--Please Read Immediately
SCRAM Data Due by the end of day Friday, November 4, 2016
Returning D Track Clusters are Due no later than Friday, November 18, 2016
Updating SCRAM for December 1 Funding Count

We are fast approaching our December 1 SCRAM count deadline. Please remember that our funding and other critical data are generated from these counts.  It is important that all information be accurate and current.  The attached report reflects the SCRAM and IEP Services we have received to date.  Please check to see that all students who are currently receiving services are on the SCRAM printout and that all information has been submitted correctly.  Submit a new SCRAM document for any changes.

This report reflects students served during the current school year. Carefully review the following:

o   Please check that the names, entry dates, service patterns and providers are correct for each student on the printout. If the information is correct for all service providers, put a check mark (√) in front of the student’s name. If all of the student’s information is correct on the report, a duplicate copy does not need to be sent. The printout reflects the school’s current special education caseload.

o     If a student being served in special education is not on the SCRAM report, please submit a new SCRAM document by the end of day Friday, November 4, 2016. If they are not on this printout, they are not on record as receiving services at your school.

o   Cross out any students who are not receiving services at your school and submit a SCRAM document with the correct exit date and exit code reason. The exit date is the day after the last day the student receives the services listed. The new SCRAM entry date will be the same as the exit date.  Please note that the entry date for a student coming from another school who enters your setting during the year is the first date that the student enters the new school (this will be the first date of service). Remember that there should be no delay in services (violation of IDEA and we lose days of funding). If an exit date is already listed for a student, a duplicate exit scram does not need to be sent in.

o     If you are not aware of a student that is listed on the printout (and the student has not been exited from services), you should follow-up with that student who is now in your building. Many teams are not aware of students who have entered their school and should be receiving services. A SCRAM document should be submitted which either identifies the services the student will receive or which exits the student from services (procedures must be followed for terminating a student from services).

o   If the IEP team has changed a student’s services, the changes must be documented on the services section of the IEP and a new SCRAM document must be submitted. Remember that parents must be involved in any decision to amend IEP services and must receive a copy of the revised IEP.

o   If you are submitting a corrections for a scram/entry date already submitted, please write “correction” at the top of the scram document and highlight the services or codes that need to be corrected to be sure it is not assumed to be a duplicate copy of a scram already received. (Remember, if all of the student’s information is correct on the SCRAM report, a duplicate scram does not need to be sent in.)

o   Any SCRAM document submitted must reflect all current IEP services. Every section of the form must be filled out completely or the student’s record cannot be submitted to the State for funding (this includes the classification, all services and amount of time, entry/exit dates, environment and regular percent codes, health services, etc.). If information is missing, the record will not be sent to the State for funding counts.

Special Education Resource Teams are being sent one complete list of all students in the school who are being served by resource, speech-language, guidance and/or OT, PT, itinerant teachers for the hearing impaired or visually impaired, etc. Please review and sign the one original list with ALL team members before sending it back to the SCRAM office. Please do not copy and send multiple reports back to the SCRAM office.

Cluster Teams are being sent one complete list of all cluster students in the school who are being served by the cluster, speech-language, guidance and/or OT, PT, itinerant teachers for the hearing impaired or visually impaired, etc. Please review and sign the one original list with ALL cluster team members before sending it back to the SCRAM office. Please do not copy and send multiple reports back to the SCRAM office.

All primary SLP and Guidance services will be included on the master list sent to Special Education Resource Teams. If the provider is serving two different schools, the services will be included on the master list at each school. Teams are expected to work together to review and complete all required SCRAM information.

SCRAM corrections may be sent through District Mail to the SCRAM Secretary as long as they arrive in the Special Education office by the due date. If the current report is correct as printed, each team member must sign the report, verifying that it is accurate and return it to the SCRAM Secretary in the Special Education Department at the District Office. If you have questions, please call the Teacher Specialist assigned to your school. Please sign and return the current report with all corrections/changes marked along with the corresponding SCRAM documents by the following due date:

Due:  By 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 4, 2016
Returning D Track Clusters Due Date:
No later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2016


It is critical that information be received by the specified due dates so that all data can be entered by the December 1 due date.

Note:  1)  Remember that all IEPs should be completed using the web-based Goalview IEP system and any changes must be reported using the IEP SCRAM Services document.

2)  In the event that a hard copy IEP was used and there are changes to the services listed on the printout, be sure to submit the IEP SCRAM Services document and enter the hard copy IEP onto the Goalview system.

Funding Implications

Special education funding and, therefore, school staffing/assistant allocations, etc. are contingent upon the accuracy of this data.  Your timely and accurate response is critical!  Thank you for all your efforts to get us the correct information in a very short time period.

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