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Codes for 12th-Grade Students at End of Year 2015-16

May 27, 2016

High School Principals, Counselors, Registrars

Administrator of Schools
Dr. Anthony Godfrey, Associate Superintendent of Schools
Luann Leavitt, Consultant of Planning and Student Services
Steven Harwood, System/Program Manager Information Systems

Codes for 12th Grade Students at End of Year

All seniors who completed the school year need to have a final status reported to the State.  They should be marked according to the following guidelines in the “Grad/DiplSts” field in Skyward on the Profile Screen.

  1. Students who exited/withdrew before the end of the school year should be left blank unless they are Early Graduates. Early Graduates should be coded by the school as “GR” (graduate).
  1. Students who graduate at the end of the year can be left blank, and Skyward will be set to code them as:
    1. “GR” – Graduate (those who Skyward shows have passed the civics test)
    2. “GP” – Graduation Pending (those who Skyward shows have not passed the civics test)
  1. Students who remain at the school until the end of the year and do not receive a diploma should be coded as follows by the school:
    1. “G3” – Basic High School Diploma, IEP team has determined that the student’s participation in statewide assessment is through the UAA and/or DLM
    2. “GM” – Basic High School Diploma, did not meet requirements of GR, or G3 but did satisfy other criteria provided specifically for military children in Utah Code 53A-11-1404
    3. “CT” – Certificate of completion, awarded by LEA
    4. “RT” – Retained Senior (special education students only)
    5. “GP” – Graduation Pending
    6. “AO” – Aged out of Special Education
    7. “DO” – Student finishes the year, but none of the above codes apply

The attached report shows students who have currently been identified.  If you did not receive an attached report no seniors have been identified, and indicates that all seniors received a diploma.  Please verify that the status for the seniors is correct.  Additionally, if there are students who are not receiving a diploma and are not on the attached list, please correct their Grad/Dipl Status Field in Skyward.  Notes: Special Education students who are seniors this year but will be returning next year should be marked as “RT” even if they will be participating in graduation ceremonies.  Additionally, any special education students who were marked “RT” in the past years who are not returning because they will age out over the summer should have their status changed accordingly. Students marked as GP will be counted as dropouts unless updated in the Oct 1 data submission.  Thank you.

The JSD Deadline for reporting this information is June 24, 2016.  Please contact Student Services upon completion (801-567-8251).

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