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2016-2017 Secondary Course Catalog

January 12, 2016

Secondary Principals
Course Catalog Committee

Nancy Karpowitz, Secondary Counselor Specialist
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Michael Anderson, Administrator of Schools

2016-2017 Secondary Course Catalog

The 2016-2017 Secondary Course Catalog is now posted on the Jordan District website To access the catalog, go to the “Parents & Students” menu, and select “Registration & Enrollment.”  Then, scroll down the page and select “Course Catalog & Credit Guidelines.”  The URL is

By having an on-line version which can be updated, each user is able to have access to the most current information.  Any updates or changes to this edition of the course catalog will be highlighted in red.

The District will order a printed copy of the course catalog for each secondary school principal, registrar’s office, lead counselor, CTE coordinator, and course catalog committee member.  Administrators, who want to order additional copies of the printed catalog for their registrars, counselors, or other building personnel, may do so.  The cost will be approximately $10 per catalog.

If you need additional printed copies and would like to have them included on the District order, please let Nancy Karpowitz know before Friday, January 22.  After that date, administrators will need to place their own order with printing services. Your school will receive a bill for any additional copies which you order whether they are included on the District order or your own individual school order.

Please contact Nancy at 801-567-8309 or if you have any questions or concerns.


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