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Memorial Day Annual/Personal Leave Lottery Request

If you are a contracted employee and need to take Annual/Personal Leave before or after Memorial Day for any reason not listed in policy DP335NEG or DP335B, you must submit a request as follows:

How to Request
During the window, the employee must send the request through email. Please include your name, school, position, and the date you are requesting the leave. Requests left on voicemail or over the phone will NOT be accepted.

Licensed employees submit their request to 

Education Support Professionals submit their request to

The employee will receive an email confirmation within two working days after submitting the request. If the employee does not receive a confirmation email, then Human Resources has NOT received your request and your leave will not be approved.

School Holiday Date of Holiday Window
Memorial Day May 31, 2021 April 16 – April 26, 2021

April 12, 2021

All Certified Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

End of Year SCRAM Detail Report

We are fast approaching our last SCRAM count deadline. It is important that this information be as accurate and current as possible. A SCRAM report that reflects the SCRAM/IEP Services that have been received from your school to date has been sent to resource and self-contained support class (cluster) team leaders.

Submit all SCRAM changes and/or corrections AND the signed SCRAM report to Amanda Hamblin through District mail at the District Office or electronically through Move-It. All completed reports and documents must be received by the Special Education Office by the end of the day on Monday, May 3, 2021.

The School LAND Trust program Final Report for 2019-2020 is now available for entry on the State website. Reports must be submitted on the School LAND Trust reporting site no later than Friday, April 16, 2021.

The following information was sent to you by email from the State with instructions of how to login to the new system:

Your account has been created with your email address as your username. All users will have to request a new password in order to login.

Please go to , click 'Login', then click 'Forgot Password' , and then enter your email address and click 'Submit'. You will receive an email from with the subject 'Reset password token'. Click on the password reset link in this email to create a password (this link will expire after 12 hours). Once you have created your password, you will be instructed to click on a new link to login to the site.

If you need to create a new account, please go to: and click "New Account"

You will need to supply a username, password, email address, your first and last name and a phone number, and then click "Create My Account."

  • You will receive an email from asking you to activate your account by clicking a link. Please click on that link and you will be taken to a page that will direct you to login to the site.
  • You will need to request an LEA level account (District or Charter Authorizer) or a School Level (principal) account.
  • Select which LEA and /or which School you would like access to.
  • Once you have requested access a USBE Admin will need to approve your account.
  • You will receive a confirmation email when your account has been approved.

If you have questions, please contact us.

If you need website support, please contact the USBE App Help Desk : or call (801) 538-7800.

District support staff are among the unsung heroes of the Jordan School District.

Each year Jordan schools and departments are invited to nominate one non-teaching/support staff employee for recognition. Through a designated committee, Jordan Education Foundation Board of Directors will select up to five individuals to be recognized as Outstanding Education Support Professional Employees. Each recipient will be given $1,000 and a commemorative award at the Board of Education meeting in May.

All full-time Jordan School District Education Support Professional employees are eligible. Past winners of this award are not eligible for nomination. One nomination per department/school will be considered. Please make sure the Nominee's Department Head or Principal has approved this nomination. Nominations will be accepted until 11:59 pm, Monday, April 12, 2021

Thank you all for taking the time to honor our amazing Education Support Professionals!

PLEASE VISIT THE FRONT PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE:  WWW.JORDANEDUCATIONFOUNDATION.ORG for more information and to nominate an outstanding education support professional.

Volunteer reports need to be submitted to Insurance Services.

Workers' Compensation insurance costs are based on numbers submitted by schools.   It is important that this information be accurate and complete.

PTA figures must be separate from other volunteer hours.

Attached is a copy of the Volunteer Report for the period from December 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.

Please complete this form and return it to Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services, by April 30, 2021.


Reminder: Two LAND Trust reports are due tomorrow, Friday, March 26, 2021.

2019-20 Final Report
2021-22 Upcoming LAND Trust Plan

Spring Break is next week. Please complete your reports by tomorrow so you can enjoy your time off! As a side note, I will also be off enjoying spring break next week. Please contact me, Nadine Page, at 801-567-8182 or, today or tomorrow if you have any questions regarding the completion of these two reports.

Here are previous JAM links to help you in preparing these reports:

JAM - Feb 11th
Recap of the principal meeting training as well as helpful documents.

JAM - Mar 11th
Information regarding the deadlines and how to prepare the reports. You each received an email on March 11th with important information pertinent to your individual school to help in preparing these reports.

Thanks for all of your help in getting these reports to the AOS and Board Members responsible for reviewing and approving the reports.



March 17, 2021

Elementary and Middle School Resource Team Leaders
High School Special Education Team Leaders

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Resource Instructional Assistants for 2021-22
Special Education Support Class Instructional Assistants for 2021-22

This memo is designed to explain how special education instructional assistants can be requested and will be allocated to each schools’ special education program(s) for the 2021-22 school year. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned teacher specialist or program administrator. We want to make sure everyone has the support staff necessary to meet student’s individual IEP needs.

You will receive an email including the Projected Resource Staffing Needs Survey form that is specific to your school or program. This form will include your current staffing allocations (this is your current staff minus your current critical needs staff). Please use this form to summarize the additional instructional assistants needed to meet the collective needs of the students you submitted on Checklist of Existing Environmental and Instructional Supports and Rubric to Determine Need for Critical Need Support. This request should be agreed upon by all team members and your building principal or assigned administrator should sign the request.

Please Submit all three forms to your assigned teacher specialist by Friday, April 16, 2021. You will receive a preliminary critical needs instructional assistant allocation by Friday, May 7, 2021. Additional Critical Needs may be requested after school starts or if the students in your class or program change significantly.

March 8, 2021

All Principals
All Budget Directors

John Larsen, Business Administrator
June LeMaster, Ph.D., Administrator, Human Resources
Daniel Ellis, Director of Accounting, Budgets & Audits
Derek Anderson, Director of Accounting, Budgets & Audits
Cheryl Matson, Director of Insurance Services
Michael Heaps, Director of Information Systems
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll
Kurt Prusse, Director of Purchasing

Year-End Processing Deadlines

Please observe the following critical deadlines, listed in the memo below, regarding the financial year-end processes for the 2020-21 year. Please review these dates as they could have a major effect on your location’s ability to operate.

Please complete the “Summer School Schedule” sheet in your school ESSER Worksheets document before April 26th as follows:

  • High Schools indicate your intention to request transportation.
  • Middle Schools record your summer school start and end dates, the days of the week, the start and end time, and indicate your intention to request transportation.
  • Elementary Schools record your summer school start and end dates, the days of the week, the start and end time, indicate your intention to request transportation, and (optional) indicate the number of summer school curriculum packages. Training dates for SORing to Summer Success curriculum package (optional).


According to the latest information from the State LAND Trust people, the website won’t be back up until sometime in April. The same due dates must be kept on our end in order to finish the review by the AOS’ and the approvals by the JSD Board of Education. All of this must happen in order for the Board to give their final approval at the April 27th Board Meeting. The State must have the approvals by May 15th in order for our 2021-22 funding to take place on time.

In light of this we are asking the following of each of you:

  • A final report of what you spent in 2019-20 will be emailed to each of you on March 11th. You can use this report to complete the 2019-20 Final Report on a Word Doc. Please follow what you have done in the past when completing the final plan. This report, for the State website, must be completed before the 2021-22 Upcoming Plan can be added to the website. Please submit this report, in Word form, to Nadine Page ( The AOS’ will review and mark as complete the final report from the Word Doc. When the website comes up you will then need to input the information into their format.
  • The 2021-22 Upcoming Plan template, was initially sent out in the February 11th JAM along with the School LAND Trust Training recap given by Natalie Gordon. The template is also attached to this JAM. Please complete your 2021-22 Upcoming Plan on this template, in Word form, and submit to Nadine Page ( on or before the March 26th due date. The AOS’ will review the 2021-22 Plan from the Word Doc. The Board members will also review and approve the 2021-22 Upcoming Plan from this document. When the website comes up you will then need to input the information into their format.
  • Along with the electronic final report, being sent to you on March 11th, you will receive a revised 2021-22 LAND Trust allocation to use in completing your plan.

You will also find a copy of the most recent Appropriate Expenditures from the State website as well as suggested wording to use under "What would you do if you receive additional funding".

If you have any questions please contact Nadine Page, 801-567-8182 or Thank you for your help in getting these reports completed and approved!

Most recent update from the State LAND Trust Office: (As of now, the JSD due date for the 2021-22 LAND Trust Plan is still March 26, 2021)

Due to unexpected challenges, the Final Report and Upcoming School Plan forms will not be available for a few more weeks. We will contact you as soon as we have a firm date for each.

Thank you for your patience. Please meet with your councils to prepare the Upcoming School Plan so it is ready for entry when the form is available. A school plan template and estimated funding for each school are available at

Jordan Education Foundation requests each of the (7) Jordan School District High School Principals, in collaboration with their counselors and staff, to select one senior student who has overcome a significant personal hardship, shown marked improvement in academic success, and has made a commitment to continue their education beyond high school to receive a $2,000.00 scholarship to the university, college, or trade school of their choice.

Principals: Please call Steven Hall (801-567-8261) at the Foundation with any questions.

February 22, 2021

Special Education Staff
School Secretaries

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education

Special Education Budget Closeout for the 2020-21 School Year

Please note that Special Education purchase orders/requisitions for the 2020-21 school year must be received by Friday, April 16, 2021 @ 5:00 p.m. Please remember the following:

  • Budgets are not carried over from one year to the next.
  • Remember to deduct any previously submitted amounts from your Special Education budget (so that you know your balance) before submitting new orders. This includes reimbursements submitted through your school. No orders will be processed that exceed your budgeted allocation.
  • Please check with your school secretary to make sure all Special Education reimbursements have been submitted to the Special Education Department by the April 16th deadline. We have provided each secretary with a spreadsheet of currently recorded purchases/reimbursements for the total special education department at your school up through February 16, 2021.
  • When ordering supplies, follow Skyward procedures.
  • Be sure to follow the ordering guidelines outlined in the attached budget information page, as you close out your current year budgets.

Staff will be notified of the new budget allocation amount prior to the start of the new school year.  Keep in mind that new purchase orders/requisitions will not be processed until mid-July when all of the current year’s budgets have been closed out.

As you close out your budgets for the current school year, please note the following:

  1. All purchase orders/requisitions, should be routed to Debbie Fairbourn in the Special Education Department.
  2. Use the following codes for Purchase Orders/Requisitions, NPOs, P-Cards, and ECHECKS, submitted through the year.

Coding for P.O.s/Requisitions, NPOs, P-Cards, ECHECKS:

10 E (School #) 1295 1090 Use object code

If you have questions regarding your Special Education budget, please call Debbie Fairbourn at
(801) 567-8177.

Just a reminder to fill out your EL funding request (EARS money) so we can do a budget transfer to your school. Please use this form.

We will need the information by Monday, February 22 so accounting can do the transfer by the end of February. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Love-Day or contact Andrea Schneiter, admin assistant at 88124.

Here is the EL count for the schools, just in case you need. (Note: ML is the new term for our English Language Learners- Multi Language Learner).

District Science Lab/Chemical Clean Up
One-time disposal opportunity!


Jordan District is initiating a science lab review, clean up and sign off to ensure the safety of teachers and students as well as mitigating expensive disposal fees.

The district is offering a one-time disposal opportunity for chemicals that are expired and/or no longer used requiring specialized disposal.

Most of the chemicals in schools can be safely disposed of on site as long as appropriate protocols are followed. Understanding that some teachers may not feel comfortable disposing of certain chemicals without some verification and/or support, experienced teachers are happy to help. Simply reach out to Jane Harward and arrangements will be made.

The final deadline for lab review, clean up and sign off is June 11th, 2021. Sign offs can occur anytime between now and then. Early signoff is highly encouraged and appreciated.

Science teams can refer to the following process to guide their work.

  1. Take inventory of all chemicals and ensure they are stored in appropriate/required locations.
  2. Safely dispose of chemicals and materials that are expired or no longer used.
  1. Update SDS books with current sheets.
    • The MSDS books are outdated and need to be replaced with new SDS books and sheets.
    • If you need a new SDS book please email Jeff Beesley.

If chemicals are identified requiring specialized disposal please contact Jane Harward and Jeff Beesley.

When all tasks are complete and the lab is ready for sign off please email Jane Harward and Jeff Beesley.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and help.


We are pleased to announce that the 2021 nomination and application cycle for the Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education is now open. We would like to enlist your help to increase awareness of this prestigious award to those in your area before our April 2, 2021 nomination deadline.

Philanthropist Beverley Taylor Sorenson worked tirelessly to promote the arts as an avenue for Utah’s students to develop voice, sustain engagement in school, and evoke reflection and response. Through support from the Sorenson Legacy Foundation, Art Works for Kids, and the Utah State Board of Education (USBE), the Sorenson Legacy Awards for Excellence in Arts Education recognize the essential nature of education in the arts for Utah’s students, distinguish those educators who embrace the arts with excellence in their practice, and ensure that Beverley's legacy will continue on.

Following are several ways you can help us spread the word:

  • Nominate an arts teacher within your district.
  • Post the attached award announcement in your faculty lounge or other communal areas.
  • Include information about the Sorenson Legacy Awards on your district or school website.
  • Share information about the awards at faculty or community meetings.

Administrators, teachers, parents, students, and other community members are all welcome to submit a nomination. Nominees must be licensed and endorsed public school educators. We also encourage re-nomination  of those who may have been previously nominated but not selected. Individuals are not allowed to nominate themselves.

Complete information and a link to the nomination form can be found on the Utah State Board of Education website at:

Questions? Contact Cathy Jensen, Utah State Board of Education | 801-538-7793

January 28, 2021

All Principals
Department Directors

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director Planning & Student Services

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG)

The Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) have been adopted by USBE as “the” threat assessment to be used in Utah (R277-403, HB120, §53E-3-401(4)). While there is no implementation deadline, each school will need to have a threat assessment team with at least one (1) CSTAG trained individual. The CSTAG model utilizes multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS), trauma informed responses, and social-emotional learning (SEL). The focus of the CSTAG model is making decisions within a restorative framework for prevention rather than crisis response.

Student Services has arranged for some initial trainings and there is an opportunity for you or your designee(s) to receive CSTAG training. The training is a ‘trainer of trainers’ model and consists of two (2) levels:

  1. Level 1 – 8 hours of online self-paced training. ($166.00 each participant)
  2. Level 2 – Virtual ‘in-person’ training with Dr. Cornell (the developer of CSTAG) and/or his staff in late March or early April 2021. (Paid by Student Services)

The Level 1 cost per-person is $166 – which the school or department would need to pay. There is also an optional manual that costs $50 each. Each school should consider having at least one manual on hand. Student Services will pay for Level 2 training in March 2021.

Space is limited. If you are interested please email Travis Hamblin ( with the name(s) and email address(s) of those you would like to receive the training on or before Friday February 4th 2021. After Student Services sets up Level 1 training participants will receive an email with the information to begin. Level 1 training must be completed prior to receiving Level 2 training in late March or early April (date TBD).

Please contact Travis Hamblin ( or 801.567.8439) with any questions.

January 21, 2021

Special Education Staff

Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Kim Lloyd, Director of Special Education
Kristin Norris, Teacher Specialist-SLP/A, ESY Coordinator

Extended School Year (ESY) Qualification Procedures and Timelines

ESY packets should be submitted by March 25, 2021. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS BEFORE SPRING BREAK. Guidelines and instructions are included in the memo.