See the attached document for all the details!
Category: Elementary Info
School LAND Trust/SCC Principal Training Summary – September 2023
Ensure compliance with state law and district policy
- Please share with your SCC
- Creating School Community Councils and holding the first meeting, 6:00 minute video - Video
- Here’s what’s new, 2:00 minute Training Video - Video
- Updated Timeline with Website Information - Timeline
- Jordan District - Beginning of Year Documents
- Folder with sample documents from JSD schools can be found in the “Beginning of the Year Documents”
Feedback from State LAND Trust Office:
- Each SCC needs to hold elections according to R277-491 and 53G-7-1202
- Minimum number of parents/school employees on an SCC is in UTAH CODE, and is under 53G-7-1202 (4).
- High School - six parent members and four school employee members, including the principal.
- Elem & Middle - four parent members and two school employee members including the principal.
- A SCC may determine the size of the SCC by a majority vote of a quorum of the SCC provided that: the membership includes two or more parent members than the number of school employee members; and there are at least two school employee members on the SCC.
- Any change takes place for the following year and should remain in effect for four years.
- Clarify how many parents and school employees will serve and add the election process into the Rules of Order and Procedure.
- Be specific in how many seats. Don’t use “at least” or “maximum number”. All seats that are listed in the Rules of Order and Procedure must be filled each year. Look at even and odd years. Assign if necessary. If all seats are not filled during the election then parents need to be appointed. Review this document yearly at your first meeting.
- Clarify how many spots will be open every year. It wouldn't hurt to also put in more information about their election process. When and how do they post notices? What is the format for applying to be a candidate, and how are ballots managed.
- No email voting.
Elections of School Community Council Members: A Checklist
Reminder: If you state in your plan that you will be paying for a math teacher then you must pay for a math teacher. It can be the lowest paid math teacher but must match what subject matter is in the goal.
Can be found in the Beginning of Year Documents
Must be completed no later than October 20th. See attachment in JAM and also in Beginning of the Year Documents
- Best Practices Sheet - found in Beginning of the Year Documents
- No more than 10% of allocated monies every year.
- As a reminder TSSA funds should also follow the 10% carryover guidelines.
Reminder: No food, no memberships, no school store items from either Land Trust or TSSA.
- All principals need to look at the 2023-24 Land Trust Plan on the State Website, at the bottom of the plan for comments.
- Not all need to make changes to their plan
- State is requiring us to be more specific in what is listed within the plan as well as at the bottom under “Funding Changes”.
- Most comments are asking for more clarification on:
- PD
- Software
- Field trips
- Technology purchases
- The State is asking for more exact clarification on what is being purchased. They are requesting that amendments be done if you weren’t clear enough in your action steps and/or Funding Changes portions of your Land Trust Plan.
- Not all need to make changes to their plan
- Steps for Amendment:
- Add it to your Plan on the State Website
- Notify Nadine that you have an amendment waiting
- AOS reviews the amendment
- The amendment is sent to the Board member over your area for review.
- The amendment is placed on the next Board Meeting agenda as a consent item.
- The State LAND Trust Committee is notified that there is an amendment waiting for their approval
- Once the State has done their approval you may start to spend the money as outlined in the amendment.
If it looks like you won’t be spending as planned, “We can’t hire assistants…what are we going to do differently”? Review in your SCC meeting, come up with a new plan, and do an amendment if needed. Don’t wait until the end of the year to decide you need to spend your money differently. This depends on the wording under “Funding Changes” on your current plan.
September 22, 2023 ELLevation Training
Language and Culture Services will be offering a virtual PD on Sept 22 at 1 p.m. LCS will be offering training on how to use the ELLevation website, a great resource for schools and teachers in supporting their ML students!
- Site overview
- How to access information about your ML students in one place.
- Teaching strategies to support ML students during instruction.
- Opportunities for PD through ELLevation and earning USBE Credit.
ELLevation via Zoom Meeting ID: 830 0071 9835
Passcode: language
McKinney-Vento Aide Training 2023-24
Hilda Lloyd has requested your McKinney-Vento Aide's attendance at the Mckinney-Vento Aides Training Meeting for Elementary, Middle, and High School aides.
When: Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Time: 1:30-3:00 pm
Where: District Office - Training room 129
If your aide is unable to attend, please send an assistant principal to receive the 23-24 information and training. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Discipline Notes, September 2023
Common issues or frequently asked questions regarding discipline logging that have been identified by the Discipline Review Committee or raised by administrators will be communicated monthly (or as needed) in a "Discipline Notes" document. The documents are accessible by current school administrators only.
September's "Discipline Notes" may be accessed at this LINK.
Administrators may access previous "Discipline Notes" via this LINK to the Discipline Notes folder.
Utah Policy for Free and Reduced-Price Meals in the 2023-2024 School Year
Please see attached document.
Timeline for 2022-23 School Accountability Data Release
Thursday, September 14, 2023
All School Administrators
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
2022-23 Accountability Data
The Assessment & Accountability section of USBE released the following statement:
After releasing the Tableau 2023 State Education Research File (SERF) on August 25th one of our LEAs identified some missing student RISE test event records when comparing the Tableau SERF with reports available in the TIDE platform. We have been investigating these omitted student test records and discovered the source and scope of the event. The source of the event was the USBE incorrect use of a return file that included test event records that were in a “pause status” at the end of the testing window. This event effected 0.5 % of records or about 5000 tests. Applying the solution will require some rework and result in updates to the related (RISE) Data Gateway reports, a delay of the release of the 2023 school report card and school accountability determinations. Once the updated timelines are available, that information will be shared.
Since Jordan School District was impacted by this error, proficiency and growth scores currently in the Data Gateway will not be accurate. USBE plans to release accountability data using the following timeline:
- Sept. 16th – USBE will re-release proficiency and growth scores in the Data Gateway and SERF file. Evaluation, Research & Accountability uses data from the SERF file to update proficiency and growth data in RISE and Utah Aspire Plus dashboards on Tableau.
- Oct. 4-19 – School Accountability Report Cards will be securely released to school and district leaders to preview before the public release.
- Oct. 24 – School Accountability Report Cards will be released to the public.
- Oct. 27 – TSI and CSI school designations will be released.
Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.
Important Payroll Information for September 2023
Please see the document below.
2023-24 10th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate
September 8, 2023
All Principals
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Scott Festin, Planning Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Planning & Enrollment
10th Day Enrollment vs. the Estimate for All Schools
See attached memo. Please note that with the release of 10th day numbers, enrollment information on school dashboards will only be updated monthly for the remainder of the year. Schools should anticipate a "Done.0" allocation memo shortly.
What’s the Latest with Teaching & Learning?
Check out the attached flyer for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for September. Learn Tips and Tricks, Sign Up for Upcoming PD, and Learn about Important Updates from the T & L team.
Navigating and Understanding the Panorama Behavior Tool
Please see the attached document.
School Counselor Trainings for September and October 2023
September 5, 2023
All Elementary Principals
All Secondary Principals
Mike Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Elementary Schools
April Gaydosh, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Becky Gerber, Administrator of Elementary Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Stacee Worthen, Counselor Consultant
September/October 2023 School Counselor Trainings
See the attached memo for the details.
Safety Share – Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos are a mineral fibers that was used in many building materials. It is well-known that asbestos is linked to diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer, mesothelioma, and digestive system cancers. See the flyer below for all the details.
2023-24 Annual Nutrition Services Pan Sale
Take a look at the attached flyer!
State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2023-24
September 1, 2023
All Jordan School District Principals (with bus route students)
Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services
Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation
Kathy Jones, Transportation Trainer/Risk Coordinator
State Required Bus Evacuations and School Bus Safety 2023-2024
State required semi-annual school bus evacuations have been scheduled for this fall. This applies to those students that ride the bus daily to and from school.
The evacuations will be conducted during the week of:
Monday, September 11 through Friday, September 15, 2023
Your school’s regular bus drivers will perform this evacuation as they drop your students off in the morning, one day during that week. This drill will take place at the school and within the students’ regular bus drop off/pick up zone. All professional school bus drivers that transport students are required to perform evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. Bus evacuation will be through the rear door, side door, front door or any combination of the three. Students will then, under the direction and supervision of the bus driver, evacuate and meet in a safe place approximately 100 feet away from the bus.
Your assistance is welcome but not mandatory to complete this required evacuation drill quickly, safely and effectively.
We appreciate all you do to help us safely transport your students.
2023-24 Ballet West Student In-Theater Performances
August 31, 2023
Secondary Principals
Elementary Principals
Carolyn Gough, Administrator, Teaching and Learning
Norman Emerson, Fine Arts Consultant
Ballet West 2023-24 Student In-Theater Presentations
Ballet West is again providing free presentations of the following ballets in the Capitol Theater:
- Dracula (Grades 5-12)
- The Firebird (Grades 1-12)
- The Nutcracker (Grades K-12, One and Two-Hour Presentation Available)
- Swan Lake (Grades 1-12)
- Fairy Tale Theater (Grades 1-12)
Each program begins with an educational introduction and is followed by a portion of the repertoire currently being performed for the general public.
The link to Ballet West’s website with further information (including dates and times) on all of the student performances is Ballet West Student In-Theatre Performances .
If any of your teachers are interested in having their classes attend any of the performances, please have them contact Susy Peterson at or 801-567-8296. Seating is limited and performance slots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.
Please be aware that transportation costs must be covered by individual schools. Neither Ballet West nor the Teaching and Learning Department will be covering the costs of transportation.
Founder’s Month and Constitution Day – September 2023
September has been designated as Founder’s Month by the Utah State Legislature. The bill states that public schools are encouraged to recognize and observe this occasion. You can do this through programs and teaching in class about the Founding Fathers and important founding documents. September 17th is also Constitution Day and all public schools who receive federal funding are asked to observe this day.
You may have received a Founder’s Month Curriculum in the mail. Please remember that all curriculum should be approved before use. It will not be mailed directly to you. Teachers have access to materials on the district website: Social Studies
Jordan District currently has a team of teachers K-6, who have been asked by USBE to create curriculum for the whole state on the new elementary social studies standards. These teachers have been working on great lessons that teachers can use for Founder’s Month and Constitution Day that are grade level appropriate.
We want to make sure that we are following all state and federal mandates and guidelines. You will be notified of these important dates through JAM and teachers will receive notifications through JEM. When teachers have questions, please direct them to the district website or you can contact Kaye Rizzuto, JSD Social Studies Consultant at (801) 567-8320.
Record of August 15, 2023 Professional Learning Day Attendees
Thursday, August 31, 2023
All School Administrators
Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability
Record of August 15th Professional Learning Day Attendees
School administrators may access a Tableau dashboard that contains a record of all educators who signed in using the QR code for the August 15th professional learning day. The dashboard may be accessed here. Administrators may also filter the list by conference location.
For questions about this dashboard, please refer to Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability.
BARK Content Monitoring
September 1, 2023
All School Administrators
Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness
BARK Content Monitoring
Now that school is back in session, here is a review of our districtwide content monitoring system which runs through a software system called BARK. BARK monitors all student Google accounts across all JSD schools and levels. This is different from iboss and Lanschool and does not detect student internet searches. Here is a summary of the notification protocols and procedures for this school year.
- BARK uses an AI to scan student Gmail messages, Google chats, Google documents, and Google slides, regardless of the device or IP address that is used. As long as the student is logged into and using their Jordan District Google account, the content can be monitored.
- Notifications and alerts are categorized as non-severe, severe, and imminent.
- The alerts are monitored primarily by Angie Rasmussen, JSD Student Safety and Wellness Some alerts will require additional investigation at that level to determine the context and to weed out false positives.
- Notifications to schools will include administration, counseling, and other mental health teams. This allows for several adults to receive notifications in case they are somewhat time sensitive.
- Notifications will come in an email from Angie unless it is urgent, then a phone call or text message will be communicated.
- Notifications that are not considered emergencies or urgent will not be sent after 3pm on a school day to ensure that intervention is reasonable and timely for school personnel.
- Content alerts are not monitored over the weekend or on days students don’t attend, but emergency alerts will still be sent when immediate intervention is needed.
- We will continue to receive after hours imminent alerts and will continue to work with administrators when immediate intervention is required.
- Should you have any questions please reach out to Angie Rasmussen at
Additional information that may be useful:
The Bark Community Partnership Program is LIVE . This program helps serve your PTA's in supporting your parent and family communities in an effort to better protect our children online (and in the real world). The program is optional and is free. It is easy to sign up. If you or your PTA are interested in this additional resource for parents about all things kids and technology, click here Sign-up Here
Student Injuries – Updated Process
Thank you for your patience while the State of Utah updates their process to report student injuries. The attached will assist you in getting your UtahID set up and completing the Administration Form to get your access to REDCap. Once you log into the REDCap site you will "Add new record" and complete the necessary fields to report a student injury. There are very helpful video tutorials on the site for additional training.
Student Injury Report in REDCap
Step 1:
Create a UtahID at Instructions on how to create one and a short video tutorial can be found above, or on the UtahID Account Creation page. A verification email will be sent.
Please note that using the user's professional email address is the preferred method. If they opt to use a personal email account, a justification note is required from Project Owners stating the reasons for doing so.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will be required for all new UtahID public user accounts. New users will have the option to have the MFA code sent by email or SMS text message. Please note, when a user first registers, the only option available will be email since that is the available method listed on the account until the user adds a mobile phone number to their profile in
Open the verification email and enter the code into the field provided on the UtahID creation webpage.
Finish setting up UtahID after numerical code is entered.
Send an email to: Vanonda Kern, Project Owner, to let them know you have created a UtahID. The Project Owner will reply to your email to let you know you can move on. You will not be able to access REDCap to create an account until you are notified by the Project Owner.
Step 2:
Fill out the Administrative Form. The form will be received by the Project Owner and information from the form will be reviewed and entered in for REDCap approval.