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Criminals are getting more and more creative and bold and are finding new ways to try to steal freight from our schools.

One of our schools had an incident recently after receiving several boxes through UPS from Apple Computers. The boxes legitimately belonged to the school, and all shipping labels had the school name on them. An unidentified woman came in shortly after the delivery claiming she was instructed by the freight company to pick up her items from the school. She had a printout of tracking numbers that matched the computers! Long story short, the school did not give her their computers even after she threatened to get the police involved. If this ever happens at one of your schools or locations, yes, call the police!

Please watch for this or similar situations to happen at your location. The picture below is what the fraudster tried to provide to the school as “proof” the boxes were hers. Note that she is not showing the “entire email”, and there is no reference to Apple or UPS with a legitimate looking email address.

If in doubt, please contact Purchasing, as we may have additional shipping or tracking information from the vendors or can help you obtain it to verify that a shipment belongs to your school or department and not a person coming in off the street. We also recommend locking unopened freight in a room until it can be opened or distributed, and not in easy reach of those coming into the building.

Stay aware and stay safe! Please contact Purchasing if you need assistance or have questions on receiving freight or if you need help legitimizing claims such as this.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Acadience Math Tableau Dashboards Updated with MOY Results

The 2023 MOY Acadience Math results are now available in Tableau viewer accounts. Elementary school administrators may access the dashboards here. Results are available at both the district and school level for both composite scores and measure scores. Composite proficiency and growth are also available. School administrators may also filter the data by student groups (economically disadvantaged, ML, race/ethnicity, and students with a disability). Finally, individual student and teacher data are available for BOY and MOY.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about these dashboards or the Acadience Math assessment.

The Literacy Matters Newsletter has the latest literary updates. Be sure to read this edition to stay connected with literacy. This newsletter includes:

  • 2023 Updated District ELA Daily Time Allotments - Check out the updated English Language Arts Daily Time Allotments for each grade level. The total ELA time has not changed, but we've clarified our recommendations for how much time should be spent on specific ELA areas of instruction. Find them on our website under Standards - K-6 Information or on specific grade level pages.
  • Fluency Routine - Blast Decodable Passage 5-Day Routine - We've created a 5-day fluency routine for first graders! There are detailed lesson plans for each Blast decodable passage. Available on our Elementary Literacy website under programs - Really Great Reading - Blast Fluency Routine. Lesson plans coming soon for 2nd grade HD Word decodable texts too.
  • Oral Reading Fluency Development Plan - For any grade level and any kind of text, try this easy Fluency Development Lesson (FDL) from Timothy Rasinski.

We are excited to announce that in response to teacher requests there are some updates and improvements to the ELA Instructional Minutes Daily Time Allotment documents. The recommended times have not changed, but more detail has been added to provide clarity around the recommended use of the allotted ELA time.

The date for the Jordan School District High School Graduation exercises is Thursday, June 1, 2023. Valley High School graduation exercises are scheduled for Wednesday, May 31, 2023. School graduation plans and times will vary from school to school.

Principals and Directors are encouraged to provide flexibility to parents or grandparents requesting the opportunity to attend the graduation ceremonies of family members.

Licensed employees are responsible for requesting a substitute through the Frontline Absence Management System, if applicable. In the blue “Notes to Administrator” box, the employee should add “graduation” along with his/her relationship to the graduate.

For additional assistance, please contact the Sub Office at 801-567-8219.

Dear Principals,

As we have talked about reading classes and reading instruction, there has been interest from many schools in having teachers more fully trained in the Science of Reading, or LETRS training. 

Over the past month, Lexia (the company who provides the LETRS training) has released a new training geared specifically for students in grades 4-8, Lexia Aspire. (Lexia Aspire Website) There are several benefits to this training including:

  • The course is web based and self-directed
  • The suggested timeline is 29 weeks; however, it could be completed sooner depending on how fast the teacher works through the material
  • The cost for the training is $600 per teacher versus $800 + materials per teacher

The one drawback at this time is that we are unsure how Lexia Aspire will be integrated into the Secondary Literacy Interventionist Endorsement (the new Reading Endorsement). Together with other districts, we are working with USBE through this process; however, we won’t know the answer until later this year.

I have started the Lexia Aspire training, and it is something I wish I would have had as a Language Arts teacher. Not only does this program provide the foundational knowledge for why the Science of Reading is important; it also provides practical application that teachers can integrate into their instruction and classrooms now. 

Feel free to share this information with any Reading or Language Arts teachers who may be interested in the Lexia Aspire training. We’re hopeful that the training will be beneficial toward an endorsement but, at the very least, it is excellent reading instruction training. If you would like to consider paying for this training for your teachers, please contact me.  

Brandee Bergum
Secondary Language Arts Consultant

March 9, 2023

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Spring Panorama SEL Surveys

The spring Panorama SEL Survey window will be open for four (4) weeks beginning Monday, April 24th and remain open until Friday, May 19th. Survey coordinators and school administrators will receive instructions, materials, and other resources on Monday, April 10th – two (2) weeks prior to the survey window opening.

As a reminder, schools should notify patrons prior to administering the survey. Student participation in the survey should never be a part of any academic requirement and is always optional. Schools should feel free to share the survey questions or other resources when requested. Survey questions will be included in the April 10th resources email mentioned above.

March is here, which means St. Patrick's day, spring, and (hopefully) warmer temps. It is also Women's History Month, which began the week of March 8th, after President Jimmy Carter declared it Women's History Week. Then, in 1987 congress passed Public Law 100-9, designating March as “Women’s History Month.”

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Culture Corner
St. Patrick's day is coming up. Remember that many of your ML students may not know the holiday or why they celebrate in class (if you plan on doing this). Teaching about the holiday, informing parents about your plans, and giving them some information about the day is incredibly helpful to those students and their families who have never celebrated.

Teaching Strategies Small Groups

  • Why? More time to talk encourages oral language growth (speaking & listening). It gives students a small, safe group to practice with Builds classroom community.
  • For Success - Teach students how to work in small groups. Assign roles so they know what to do. Give sentence stems for language support (bonus points for helping them practice saying those things out loud in the hallway). Guiding questions or printed out steps can help guide them.

Reflective Questions
At this point in the year, what have I learned about: my students’ lives, families, and past experiences? my colleagues? my school community? my local community? myself?

What more do I want to learn as we end 3rd quarter (March 24) and move into 4th?

ELLevation Tips and Tricks
You can use the Student List to make targeted instructional recommendations for students who meet specific criteria. To batch recommend Activities for multiple students at once from the Student List, found in the full newsletter below.

ELD Lead Celebration
Melanie Nixon is both the coach and ELD Lead at Mountain Point Elementary. She has established great relationships with both teachers and students. Not only does she know what is happening at her school, she knows students by name. She is a great resource for teachers who need language and culture support for MLs as she helps teachers with RtI, language strategies and data. Melanie is very organized and on top of things and the MLs at Mountain Point are lucky to have her as an advocate.

March 3, 2023

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Sharon Jensen, Consultant Student Support Services
Michelle Reyes, Prevention Specialist, Student Support Services

March Attendance Newsletter

As we approach Spring and into the final quarter of the year, you are encouraged to take a moment and reflect on student attendance at your school. Many students are struggling to get to school, on time or at all. Sometimes attendance lags because of issues the family is having at home. The newsletter this month asks families in your community what challenges they are facing and lists some resources that may help them find solutions to these challenges. It addresses possible issues with transportation to or from school, affordable childcare and mental health. Wrap around support can play a role in improving student attendance at school.

Spring recess is at the end of March. Trends show that attendance drops before and following a big break from school. In the days and weeks leading up to Spring Break, schools have the opportunity to communicate with parents about the importance of attending. A best practice to increase attendance is planning a school activity immediately following a break. This encourages students to attend when school resumes.

Included is the March Attendance Newsletter. It is being sent out to parents in Peach Jar in both English and Spanish. This is a great resource send out with your attendance letters as well.

Should you have questions about attendance please contact Michelle Reyes at ( or 801.567.8205.

We are moving closer to the launch date for the new Brightly/Asset Essential work order system which will be replacing Sprocket effective April 3rd, 2023, we ask that you continue to use Sprocket until that date.

Most of our custodians and administrative assistants have had the opportunity to attend a training for the new system.

Please notify those who were unable to attend any of the scheduled trainings of these additional opportunities.

Principal Meeting – time certain during breakout sessions

Make up Training Date – ASB Presentation Room    2-4 pm
Open to Custodian and Administrative Assistants

Make up Training Date – ASB Presentation Room    9-11 am
Open to Custodian and Administrative Assistants

We appreciate your support as we work toward a smooth transition. If you have any question please reach out to our Brightly Team:

Teresa Lyon  :  801-567-8876  :
Judy Bird  :  801-567-8625  :
Jeff Beesley  :  801-567-8876  :

February 27, 2023

School Psychologists and School Psychology Interns

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Fulvia Franco, Program Specialist – Guidance

March School Psychologist and School Psychology Interns Meeting

A school psychologist meeting has been scheduled for Friday, March 10, 2023, from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium at the Jordan School District Auxiliary Services Building (7905 South Redwood Road). Terisa Gabrielsen, Ph.D., BYU professor, will provide us with a presentation on Demystifying Identification of Nuanced Autism in Females in School Settings.

Part-time Staff: I would appreciate it if you could adjust your schedules in order to attend this meeting.

cc:       Principals

Thursday, February 23, 2023

All Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

Tableau Dashboards for School LAND Trust and TSSA Planning and Reporting

The following Tableau dashboards may be helpful to school administrators as they plan for the 2023-24 school year LAND Trust and TSSA plans. As you look at each of these dashboards, please remember to change the School Name filter to your school.

Acadience Reading Proficiency
Acadience Reading Growth

RISE ELA Proficiency

RISE Math Proficiency
RISE Math Growth

RISE Science Proficiency
RISE Science Growth

WIDA Access Overall Composite Scores
WIDA Access Language Domain Scores

Growth Measure (beginning of year only)

School Accountability:
2021-22 TSI Calculations for All Schools and All Demographics

Breakdown of TSI Identification Data (for TSI schools only)

Other Relevant Data

Behavior & Discipline



KSL News Radio and Cyprus Credit Union are honoring Utah Teachers! Now more than ever, we recognize the incredible ways that educators go above and beyond every day.

Once each month, a lucky featured teacher will be picked at random to receive a:
$500 Visa gift card from Cyprus Credit Union
Season tickets to Hale Centre Theatre
$250 gift card to Harmon's

Nominate a teacher now by clicking on the Teacher Tribute Wall



School level budgets were established in program 5336, object 610 at the beginning of the fiscal year. In December IT rolls current year contracts in Skyward, which creates budgets in salary and benefit categories. This HR process does not reduce your 610 allocation by the budgets created for salaries and benefits.

Schools with contract employees charged to 5336 experienced an artificial increase to their budgets for the month of January. Correcting this is a manual process that was completed on February 6, 2023. Please use budget reports that were created AFTER 2/6/2023 to determine what is remaining from your 5336 allocation.

If you have questions or concerns please contact in Language and Culture Services or, in accounting.

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

Celebrate Black History Month!
Taking a month out of the year to celebrate and recognize Black History, does not mean it's not important the other 11 months of the year. February is given to us to truly reach out and learn something new that we hadn’t known before. American and World history is so vast that as Dr. John Henrik Clarke states, “What we call Black history truly is the missing pages of world history.” The fact that many countries celebrate Black History demonstrates the many perspectives that should be honored when sharing pieces of the story in the History books. I always find myself in the habit of reading a historical story and wondering, “I wonder what was happening with the rest of the country during this time? What were the families from other cultures doing during that time? People suddenly don’t disappear when the Great Depression happened, but the schoolbooks certainly omitted a lot of people.”

Black History Month isn’t just for Black People to learn and engage with information. It’s for everyone. Half of the things we interact daily with were and are created by Black People: gas masks, protective mailboxes, the stoplight, automatic elevator doors, blood banks, home security systems, refrigerated trucks, the super soaker, tissue holders, clothes dryer, folding chairs, golf tea…. I could go on, Google can help you finish this exhaustive list. Because of that fact, everyone should take the time to learn about the people and culture behind the inventions.

The one thing I do each year is find an area that I want to learn more about surrounding Black History. The information is so vast, and I always received the Civil Rights information in school that I wanted to learn more beyond the struggle of gaining our alienable rights that were already bestowed upon Americans. Each year, I find a focus: famous Black poets, Black entrepreneurs, eras like the Harlem Renaissance or Motown.. each time I learn something new. I challenge everyone to do this. What do you not know too much about? With the amount of information on Google and YouTube, the possibilities are endless. If it still overwhelms you, simply go through the National Museum of African American History and Cultures website. This national treasure that is seated in DC has a plethora of information. Learn, grow, and know Black History is American History.

Culture Corner Set up a culture consultation!
Contact our Culture, Diversity, and Parent Outreach specialists to set up a consultation for you, your PLC, or your school. The CDO team can support you in the following ways:

  • Support for critical conversations (You are planning on a lesson that you anticipate will include critical conversations)
  • Training on critical conversation facilitation
  • Have the culture and diversity team come teach a lesson
  • Small group pull-out (no more than 10)

ELLevation Tips & Tricks
Teachers can easily add Activities to their Favorites folder for future viewing and lesson planning. There are two ways to favorite an Activity:

  1. While browsing: click the Favorite button located at the bottom left of each Activity card.
  2. In an Activity: click the Favorite button found on the left of the top bar.

After an Activity has been favored, you can access it by clicking on the left navigation slide-out menu.

ELD Lead Celebration
This month we are highlighting Angie Larson with Kelsey Peak Virtual Middle school! She is in her first year as an ELD lead and has done an excellent job of creating online content accessible to all students. She makes sure every student at the virtual middle school is getting the support they need to find success through their online learning. Thank you, Angie for being such a great example to your students and to our district!

Reflective Questions

  • What helps my students feel cared for and appreciated?
  • What can I do to show them how they are cared about?
  • How are my students represented in my curriculum and classroom?
  • How do I celebrate my student's diverse backgrounds?

We have a schedule for the elementary schools to have a Spanish interpreter available for parent teacher conferences. Please notice that many schools will have those conferences held via zoom. We will share the assigned zoom link with those schools. 

If you have additional languages, please use this form to request interpreters.

The District has recently conducted a bid for HP & Canon OEM Ink, Toner and Supplies. Effective immediately, 5 vendors have been awarded for HP supplies, and 5 vendors for Canon Supplies. This bid will be good for 5 years.

The following vendors should be used for your HP & Canon ink, toner and supplies moving forward:

HP OEM Supplies
Associated Business Technologies
Fisher’s Technology
Les Olson Company
Pacific Office Automation
Innovative Print Consulting

Canon OEM Supplies
Associated Business Technologies
Canon Solutions America-Supplies
Fisher’s Technology
Innovative Print Consulting
Pacific Office Automation

Here is a link to contact information for each vendor:
Vendor Contact Information

Please note that this contract is for OEM supplies only. This does not cover compatible inks and toners. We highly recommend using OEM ink and toners in your machines, especially in the Canon copiers. Some compatibles have caused damage to both HP and Canon machines in the past. We are also starting to see situations where some new HP printers are rejecting any compatibles and will only allow OEM toner to be installed. This is also happening on occasion when older printer models receive an update. Buying OEM supplies is the safest and best way to ensure that your machine runs optimally and that warranties are not voided.

If you have old machines that you are still using that HP and Canon are no longer manufacturing ink and toner for, then you can request compatibles when making your purchase. Please be aware that this contract cannot be referenced for these orders. If your order exceeds the $5,000 small dollar purchase threshold, you would need to get 3 quotes for your purchase.

We are asking that any existing open purchase orders for ink, toner and supplies be closed, even if the vendor is listed above. New open purchase orders will need to be created with additional language and referencing the new contract, or P-Cards can be used for your orders. Please fill out a Purchase Order Change/Delete Form for each open PO that needs to be closed. Please note “Close PO- New Contract”.

Please return the forms to Tonya Hodges in Purchasing at , or contact her if you need assistance with your orders.


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Elementary School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

AAPPL for DLI and 6th Grade CogAt Tableau Dashboards Updated with 2022-23 Results

AAPPL for DLI and the 6th grade CogAt results have been updated in Tableau with the 2022-23 results. The dashboards contain district, school, and individual student data. In addition, the AAPPL dashboards will display results by teacher. Tableau users may filter data by various demographic and student groupings as well.

AAPPL for DLI results may be accessed here:

Explore Menu > AAPPL for DLI Analysis

6th grade CogAt results may be accessed here:

Explore Menu > 6th Grade CogAt

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions about these dashboards.