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Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning

Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, Teaching & Learning will no longer have AV equipment for check-out. Schools may wish to purchase these items for a small fee to use at your own school. Please review the link to see the materials available (microphones, mic mixers, speakers, etc).

LINK to view materials


Thursday, June 27, 2024

All Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2023-24 Assessment Results Now in Tableau

All state assessment results for the 2023-24 school year are now available in Tableau. Viewers will be able to see results for the district, schools and individual students. Where relevant, viewers may also see results by classroom teachers (except with the ACT, Utah Aspire Plus, and the WIDA Access, which are not connected to classroom teachers). The links below will help administrators navigate directly to the updated results for each assessment:


Acadience Math

Acadience Reading

ACT 11th grade administration

6th grade CogAT

Growth Measure

RISE (growth scores will be available in the fall)

Utah Aspire Plus (growth scores will be available in the fall)

WIDA Access (growth targets will be available in the fall)

AP exam results will be available in Tableau by the end of July (pending a release date from the College Board of July 15th). The state will release DLM results for students with significant cognitive disabilities sometime in the fall.


For questions about these dashboards, please contact Ben Jameson in Assessment, Research & Accountability. To request additional data or to see these results in another way, please contact the district’s data scientist, Brooke Anderson, in Assessment, Research & Accountability.

June 20, 2024

Principals and Administrative Assistants

John Larsen, Business Administrator

Classroom Supplies Appropriation - Payments and Reports

The State Legislature approved HB105 recently, which changed Classroom Supply funding qualifications and amounts for the 2024-25 school year. As previously explained in JAM, only Classroom Teachers will receive legislative supply funds, however the District will provide School Counselors with $175 “legislative funds” for one more year (2024-25). After this year, School Counselors will not receive these funds.

Please note that Legislative Funds (for teacher supplies and materials) have increased this year as follows:

  • Full-time Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade teachers will receive $500
  • Full-time 7th through 12th grade teachers will receive $250
  • School Counselors will receive $175 for this school year only
  • These amounts will be adjusted, based on FTE percentage, for teachers who work part-time

In late September, ACH deposits will be completed to the licensed employees that qualify for legislative supply funds. At that time, schools will also receive a disbursement and FTE report with instructions and helpful information about legislative supply money.

If you have questions, please contact my administrative assistant, Lisa LeStarge, at 801-567-8120 or via email:





Administrative Assistants

Steffany Ellsworth, Support Services Manager in Information Systems

Do you have an Apple ID using your district email address?

Your Apple ID is your Apple account for App Store downloads, iCloud storage, and other Apple services. Not all staff with an Apple device have an Apple ID. Only staff who have used the App Store, iCloud or other Apple services have an Apple ID. Some Staff are using an Apple ID that they created using their district email address. These Apple IDs are in the format of Despite the fact that these Apple IDs are using your district email address, these are personal Apple IDs that are managed by Apple and not Jordan School District. You will no longer be able to use your district email address for these Apple IDs. If you have an Apple ID using your district email address, then you will be receiving an email from Apple instructing you to choose a different email address.

What to expect if you want to continue using this Apple ID: 

  • Wait for the email from Apple before updating your email address.
  • Choose an email address that is not your district email address.
  • Previous purchases and iCloud data will not be affected.

What to expect if you DO NOT want to continue using this Apple ID:

  • You can ignore the email from Apple and any notifications you receive over the next 60 days.
  • Previous purchases and iCloud data associated with this Apple ID will become unavailable.

Who Can I Contact?

If you have any questions, please contact your building IT Support Technician or the Information Systems help desk at 801-567-8737.

Administrative Assistants

Paul Bergera, Director of Transportation

When scheduling Field/Activity Trips for the 2024-2025 school year, please make note of the following moratorium dates and times when Transportation will not be able to accommodate Field/Activity trips. (See attachment below)

Please contact us with any questions. Kitt @ 801-567-8809, Michele, @ 801-567-8804 and Annette @ 801-567-8334.

Thank you so much for your assistance and support.

June 4, 2024

Principals and Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Michelle Reyes, Prevention Specialist, Student Services

Attendance Summer Tips and Resources for Families

The arrival of summer provides an opportunity to take a deep breath, rest, and prepare for the coming school year. It is also an ideal time to set the tone for the upcoming year for staff, students, and families surrounding attendance. Utilize the summer to dive into data, identify students who struggled to attend, reach out to families, build relationships of trust, and make a plan to build the capacity of staff to address attendance issues.

The White House Summit-Every Day Counts Summit 2024 addressed the issue of chronic absenteeism and increasing student engagement. Presenters from research-based initiatives and districts leading the way with improving chronic absence shared best practices surrounding attendance. The key ingredient to moving the needle is increasing student connectedness.

Attendance Works has created a model for outreach and intervention regarding connection with students and families to reduce chronic absence. Included are models for summer, the first month of school, and ongoing practices and events.

Things you can do now to help with attendance later:

  • Drive with Data-Review attendance data from the 2023-2024 school year, note students chronically absent this year in need of support.
  • Make a Plan-Make a plan to provide extra support to these students and families throughout the summer and for the upcoming year.
  • Personalized Invites-Send personalized invites and make personalized phone calls to these families informing them of and inviting them to important upcoming events (orientations, first day, back to school night, etc.)
  • Build relationships-As you visit with families listen to what they need, look for opportunities to build the relationship, and remove barriers they may be facing.
  • Assign a mentor-Assign these students a champion in the school to mentor them from the first day of school.
  • Set one school goal aimed at attendance for the 2024-25 year.

For more guidance or help, contact Michelle or (801)567-8205.

June 13, 2024

Assistant Principals

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director, Student Services
Caleb Olson, Enrollment Consultant, Student Services

Student Records: Gender, Pronouns, Names

A student’s education record belongs to the parent/guardian and is available for use in the school setting to carry out the educational mission of the school and district. Please review the items below regarding certain fields of the student education record in Skyward and when or how changes to these fields may be appropriate.

Sex and Gender:
There are currently two fields in Skyward where information about sex and gender are recorded: “GENDER” and “GENDER IDENTITY.” The definitions of these fields for Skyward may not necessarily match how staff, students, and patrons understand and use the terms. 

GENDER: This field has the same legal definition as “SEX” or “BIOLOGICAL SEX” or “SEX ASSIGNED AT BIRTH”. This field must match the sex marker on the student’s legal birth certificate and may only be changed when the sex marker on the legal birth certificate is officially changed.

GENDER IDENTITY: This field will be blank by default and will not necessarily be the same as “SEX”. It can be updated by a parent/guardian (through the summer registration process or through written parent/guardian request to school administration) to show the student’s preferred or expressed gender identity. Please note that this field does not override any other fields in Skyward and the value of the “GENDER” field described above will display on class rosters and other reports.

Name and “Other Name”:
NAME: This field in Skyward must match the student’s legal name as shown on the birth certificate. It may only be changed in one of two ways:

  1. When the student’s legal birth certificate is officially changed through the court system, or
  2. When the parent/guardian completes a “Name Change Affidavit” and submits it to the school.

In the event that the name is changed through either of these methods, school administration should ensure that office staff processing the request contact Information Systems prior to changing the field in Skyward to avoid complications and service disruption for the student.

The Name Change Affidavit should be saved to the student’s digital cumulative folder in Skyward.

OTHER NAME: This field in Skyward allows a parent/guardian to indicate (by written request) an alternative name that they would like their student to be called. Updating this field does not automatically overwrite other fields in Skyward; however, unlike the “GENDER IDENTITY” field, certain reports (such as the Class Roster report or the Teacher Gradebook screen) contain an option to allow the “OTHER NAME” field to display in place of the legal name. 

The “OTHER NAME” field may be used by schools in programs, documents, and certificates. If no “OTHER NAME” entry exists, the legal name should be used.

The written documentation of the parent request to update the “OTHER NAME” field should be saved to the student’s digital cumulative folder in Skyward.

Name Use and Pronouns:
When a student requests that a teacher or staff member use a different name or pronouns to refer to the student, the following guidelines may be helpful:

  • When the requested name is an alternative form of the legal name or “OTHER NAME” in Skyward, the teacher or staff member may use the name.
  • When the requested name or pronouns do not appear to align with the “GENDER” on record in Skyward, the teacher or staff member should consult with the building principal regarding the requested name.
  • Teachers or staff members who have questions about using a student’s name or preferred pronouns (either communicated by the student, by a parent/guardian, or entered in the “OTHER NAME” or “GENDER IDENTITY” fields in Skyward) should communicate with their building principal or principal’s designee, who should be the primary point-of-contact between the school and the parent/guardian on this issue. Building principals should communicate with their Administrator of Schools as needed. 
  • Utah code §53E-9-205 prohibits policies or actions of the school from “shield[ing] a student's education record from the student's parent” or “interfer[ing] with a parent’s…freedom of access to information regarding the parent's child.” In the event the student expresses concerns about a parent/guardian receiving information about a student’s preferred name, preferred pronouns, or gender identity, the student should be referred to school administration, counselors, or social workers for further support.

NOTE: The rights listed above as belonging to or able to be exercised by the parent/guardian transfer to the student at age 18.


Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching & Learning
Jared Covili, Consultant in Teaching & Learning

Check out the attached flyer for the latest updates from Teaching & Learning for the summer. Learn Tips and Tricks, Sign Up for Upcoming PD, and Learn about Important Updates from the T & L team.


June 6, 2024

All Administrators & Threat Assessment Teams

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
McKinley Withers, Health and Wellness

Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG) Workshop Dates

CSTAG training consists of two (2) training levels and both levels must be completed by all administrators and threat assessment team members. The CSTAG Level 2 workshop is for all who have completed the Level 1 training (the six (6) hour web-based training from Navigate360). This workshop will build upon your knowledge of threat assessment by providing practical application and implementation of the CSTAG process in your school.

The Level 2 workshop will:

  1. Review CSTAG level 1
  2. Focus on implementation and use of the threat assessment process
  3. Focus on sustainable ways to use CSTAG in your school
  4. Review and training on the decision tree
  5. Review the CSTAG forms and best practices for documentation
  6. Practice using real-world scenarios

If you have already completed level two(2), we are offering a new training opportunity, CSTAG level three (3)!

Here are the upcoming trainings being offered this summer and for the upcoming school year:

**CSTAG Level 2**
New Admin/Intern Session: Friday, August 2nd,
Location: District Office Rm 129, In-Person only, 9-11am
Friday, September 20th, JATC South in person, (8am-10am)
Friday, December 6th, Virtual session (Zoom) only, (1-3pm)
Friday, February 28th DO Room 129, (8am-10am)
Friday, May 2nd DO Room 129, (1pm-3pm)

**CSTAG Level 3**
For those CSTAG team members who have completed levels 1 and 2 and would like a refresher and deeper dive into using threat assessment in your schools. Bring your questions so we can solve all your CSTAG problems!
Wednesday, June 19th DATE CHANGE! (sign up currently in Canvas, previously was set for June 12th)
Location: District Office Room 129, 8-10 am
Friday, September 20th, JATC South in person, (1pm-3pm)
Friday, December 6th Virtual Session (Zoom) only, (8am-10am)
Friday, February 28th DO Room 129, (1pm-3pm)
Friday, May 2nd DO Room 129, (8am-10am)

Register for all sessions on Canvas (

Should you have any questions please reach out to Angie Rasmussen at

Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

A friendly reminder for the Employee-Funded Sick Bank Policy,

  1. Employees are automatically enrolled in the sick bank each year through the annual donation of one (1) annual leave day to the sick bank.

More information regarding the Employee-Funded Sick Bank can be found in policies, DP326NEG -Sick Leave-Educational Support Professionals and DP 324NEG -Sick Leave-Licensed.

For those who wish to opt out of participation in the Employee-Funded Sick Bank, keep an eye out for instructions starting in the July issues of JEM and JAM.

*First Year Educational Support Professionals and hourly employees are not eligible for sick bank, therefore, a sick bank day will not be deducted (if applicable).

All Administrators
All Administrative Assistants

Scott Thomas, Administrator of Auxiliary Services

According to the Centers of Disease Control, approximately 2,000 workers suffer eye injuries everyday!

How many of these injuries could have been prevented by wearing safety glasses? Check out the document below!


June 06, 2024

All Administrators

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Required Threat Reporting

Any employee or person in a position of special trust that has reason to believe there is a substantial threat against a school, school employee, or student attending a school, or is aware of circumstances that would reasonably result in a substantial threat is required to immediately report the suspected threat to the school administrator or law enforcement officer. (§53-22-106)

Administrators shall immediately report the suspected substantial threat to law enforcement and shall coordinate with law enforcement’s investigation of the report.

Please share this information and the new reporting requirement with your staff at your 2024-25 opening staff meetings.

June 06, 2024


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Parental Consent Required for Student Surveys

Effective July 1, 2024 prior consent from a student’s parent for any non-academic survey must be obtained. This includes any survey that is a psychological exam, test, analysis, or any survey, analysis, or evaluation where the student may reveal information, whether personally identifiable or not, concerning the student or student’s family members political affiliation, mental or psychological philosophies, sexual behavior/orientation/gender identity or attitudes, illegal/anti-social/self-incriminating or demeaning behavior, critical appraisals, religious affiliations or beliefs, legally privileged and analogous relationships (such as lawyers, medical personnel, or ministers, or income (except as required by law) (§53G-9-702)

Prior written consent must be obtained at the time a student registers at a school for surveys related to the early warning system (Panorama), surveys that include social emotional learning questions, and school climate surveys. Written consent must be obtained for any student who registers at a school even when they are transferring from one school in the district to another. Rewards for participation or consequence for non-participation in surveys is prohibited.

The early warning system (Panorama) student feedback survey consent form is included in the registration process. To view the consent form, click here. Surveys not related to the early warning system (Panorama), social emotional learning, or school climate are not required to be included in registration. However, a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice must be provided prior to the administration of any other survey and only those students whose parents have given written consent may take the survey.

Schools should inform their staff of the new parental consent requirements for surveys.

April 11, 2024

Assistant Principals
Kindergarten Teachers

Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent
April Gaydosh, Administrator of Schools
Becky Gerber, Administrator of Schools
Jill Durrant, Administrator of Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools

Additional Preparation Days for Kindergarten Teachers

USBE recently announced, beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, the KEEP test will no longer be required for kindergarten students. As a result, the option to allow the use of testing days at the beginning and end of the school year has also been removed by USBE.

To mitigate the impact of the loss of testing days, the Jordan School District Board of Education has approved up to 3 additional preparation days for each kindergarten teacher per session taught. Teachers will receive a stipend of $500 per day worked up to the maximum allowed. These days may be used any time before the start of the school year to meet with parents and students and make preparations for a child’s entry into kindergarten.

Kindergarten teachers will need to complete a timesheet for the days worked and submit to the school principal by Friday, August 30, 2024 for payment on the September paycheck.

Timesheets should be sent to the Elementary Administrators of Schools for approval.

cc: Cabinet
Sarah Palmer, Director of Payroll

July 11, 2024


Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services

Early Warning System – Panorama Information, Surveys, & Training Opportunities

During this year’s legislative session HB84 – School Safety was passed requiring each regular school within an LEA (District) to implement a Student Intervention Early Warning System (53F-4-207). Panorama meets all the criteria established by HB84-School Safety and will be the District’s early warning system. Panorama Student Success will be paid for by the District.

See the memo below for all of the information.

The following are new administrative assignments:

New Assignments effective July 1, 2024:

  • Shauna Worthington, previously assigned assistant principal at Riverton Elementary appointed principal at Riverton Elementary.
  • April Thompson, previously assigned assistant principal at Oakcrest Elementary will remain assistant principal at Riverton Elementary.
  • Austin Howarth, administrative intern at Riverton High appointed assistant principal at Copper Mountain Middle.
  • Joel Pullan, principal at Riverton Elementary appointed assistant principal at JATC-North Campus and Southpointe Adult High.

May 30, 2024

All Principals and Administrative Assistants

June LeMaster, Administrator of Human Resources

Summer Hours for School Personnel

Please review the schedule of "Summer Hours for School Personnel", with all designated summer school personnel at your location.