March 13, 2025
Assistant Principals
Kindergarten Teachers
Anthony Godfrey, Superintendent
Becky Gerber, Administrator of Schools
Lisa Robinson, Administrator of Schools
Meredith Doleac, Administrator of Schools
Odette Desmarais, Administrator of Schools
Additional Preparation Days for Kindergarten Teachers
The Jordan School District Board of Education has approved up to 3 additional preparation days per session taught for each kindergarten teacher. Teachers will receive a stipend of $500 per day worked up to the maximum allowed. These days may be used any time before the start of the 2025-2026 school year to meet with parents and students and make preparations for a child’s entry into kindergarten.
Principals should meet with kindergarten teachers to inform them the preparation days are available and make a plan for how best to utilize the time.
Each principal will need to submit a group timesheet for the days worked. Please make a copy of this Google payroll sheet, share the completed sheet with Shannel Hooper, and send her a hard copy with teacher and administrator signatures by Friday, August 29, 2025, for payment on the September paycheck.