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Rescue Task Force Training/Participation Opportunity

October 12, 2023

Assistant Principals
School Safety Specialists

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Matt Alvernaz, School Safety Coordinator

Rescue Task Force Training Opportunity

West Jordan Police and Fire Departments are conducting a Rescue Task Force training at Sunset Ridge Middle School on October 18th beginning at 4:00 PM. They are inviting any interested district employee(s) to attend and closely observe the training as it is conducted in real-time scenarios. WJPD is also in need of volunteers to participate in the training as “role players” as well.

Rescue Task Force is the most up to date standard of response to active attacker related events. This consists of both police and firefighters cohesively entering the building with the goal of immediately addressing the threat (police) and quickly providing medical treatment to patients (firefighters). This new standard greatly increases survivability to all involved.

Even though this training is meant for First Responders, our participation better prepares district employees of what to expect and helps provide the best possible training to our First Responder partners. Given the training is geared toward First Responders it will be fairly realistic in nature. The use of real firearms firing blanks or “simunition” (a small paintball fired from a real gun) are to be expected along with make-up to dress victims. The creation of stress is intentional and can be felt by those observing.

For those wanting to observe, please feel free to arrive at the school by 4:00 PM. If anyone is interested in participating in the training, please contact Matt Alvernaz (School Safety Coordinator) at or 801-567-8623. A headcount is needed for participation and employees would be expected to arrive early.

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