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Timeline for 2022-23 School Accountability Data Release

Thursday, September 14, 2023

All School Administrators

Carolyn Gough, Administrator of Teaching and Learning
Ben Jameson, Director of Evaluation, Research and Accountability

2022-23 Accountability Data

The Assessment & Accountability section of USBE released the following statement:

After releasing the Tableau 2023 State Education Research File (SERF) on August 25th one of our LEAs identified some missing student RISE test event records when comparing the Tableau SERF with reports available in the TIDE platform. We have been investigating these omitted student test records and discovered the source and scope of the event. The source of the event was the USBE incorrect use of a return file that included test event records that were in a “pause status” at the end of the testing window. This event effected 0.5 % of records or about 5000 tests. Applying the solution will require some rework and result in updates to the related (RISE) Data Gateway reports, a delay of the release of the 2023 school report card and school accountability determinations. Once the updated timelines are available, that information will be shared.

Since Jordan School District was impacted by this error, proficiency and growth scores currently in the Data Gateway will not be accurate. USBE plans to release accountability data using the following timeline:

  • Sept. 16th – USBE will re-release proficiency and growth scores in the Data Gateway and SERF file. Evaluation, Research & Accountability uses data from the SERF file to update proficiency and growth data in RISE and Utah Aspire Plus dashboards on Tableau.
  • Oct. 4-19 – School Accountability Report Cards will be securely released to school and district leaders to preview before the public release.
  • Oct. 24 – School Accountability Report Cards will be released to the public.
  • Oct. 27 – TSI and CSI school designations will be released.

Please contact Ben Jameson in Evaluation, Research & Accountability with questions.

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