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Founder’s Month and Constitution Day – September 2023

September has been designated as Founder’s Month by the Utah State Legislature. The bill states that public schools are encouraged to recognize and observe this occasion. You can do this through programs and teaching in class about the Founding Fathers and important founding documents. September 17th is also Constitution Day and all public schools who receive federal funding are asked to observe this day.

You may have received a Founder’s Month Curriculum in the mail. Please remember that all curriculum should be approved before use. It will not be mailed directly to you. Teachers have access to materials on the district website: Social Studies

Jordan District currently has a team of teachers K-6, who have been asked by USBE to create curriculum for the whole state on the new elementary social studies standards. These teachers have been working on great lessons that teachers can use for Founder’s Month and Constitution Day that are grade level appropriate.

We want to make sure that we are following all state and federal mandates and guidelines. You will be notified of these important dates through JAM and teachers will receive notifications through JEM. When teachers have questions, please direct them to the district website or you can contact Kaye Rizzuto, JSD Social Studies Consultant at (801) 567-8320.

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