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Full-Time Enrollment and Eligibility

February 16, 2023

High School Administrators
High School Counselors
High School Registrars

Michael Anderson, Associate Superintendent
Brad Sorensen, Administrator of Schools
Travis Hamblin, Director of Student Services
Caleb Olson, Consultant, Planning & Enrollment

“Full-time” Enrollment and Eligibility

UHSAA guidelines (1.8.1.A) state that “the local school district…shall establish the degree of enrollment at the school that would define full-time status. Such definition shall apply to all aspects of the student’s enrollment, not merely to activities.” In light of this requirement, please use the following guidelines to assist in determining whether or not a student is considered “full-time”:

  • A student enrolled part-time at a District school and part-time in homeschool would be considered “full-time.”
    • See the “Charter and Private School” section below for specifics on students dual enrolled or interested in participating in co-curricular activities.
  • Sophomores and juniors will typically need to be enrolled in a full schedule of classes to be considered “full-time.” Exceptions will follow the process outlined below for seniors.
  • Seniors are considered “full-time” if they meet either of the following standards:
    • The student is enrolled in a full 8-period schedule, or
    • The student is enrolled in a schedule that represents the student’s remaining graduation requirements, even if that schedule is less than 8 periods.

A senior who needs fewer credits to graduate than a normal 8-period schedule will therefore be considered full time if they are enrolled in as many credits as they require to graduate and are not enrolled in another school or LEA.

It is important to note that “full-time” for athletic eligibility is not the same as “full-time” in Skyward. A senior enrolled in a partial schedule following the guidelines above would be considered “full-time” for athletic eligibility but should have a completed and signed Student Release Form and should show an enrollment percentage of less than 100% in Skyward.

Charter and Private School Students
State Board Rule R277-494-3 allows a student at a charter or private school to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities at a qualifying school (defined in 53G-6-704(1) for charter school students and 53G-6-705(2) for private school students) when the co-curricular or extra-curricular activity is not offered at their charter or private school. Students seeking participation under this rule can be considered “full-time” even if they are not enrolled in courses at the District school or if they are only enrolled in the courses required for participation in the desired activity.

NOTE: If passed, HB209 from the 2023 Legislative Session may alter the guidance given in this memo and may require clarification or revision to the information presented above.

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