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LCS January 2023 Newsletter

We hope you all had time to relax and recuperate during your winter break. Whether that means time with family, or time alone--all of us deserve the break. The December student sillies are over, and now we move into testing season. The WIDA Window is open--which means you will see your ML students being pulled out of class to participate in the yearly WIDA test. Encourage them to do their best, especially in secondary.

The full newsletter can be found at the link below. Stories include:

  • ELLevation Tips and Tricks - After pulling up an activity that you would like to try in your classroom, scroll down on the activity information page to find the "Student Support" section. This section will have a list of all your ML students and their levels. It will then show you what modifications or accommodations you should make for a student at this level and tell you which students need these modifications/accomodations.
  • Culture Corner - "Culturally responsive teaching (CRT) is an educator's ability to recognize students' cultural displays of learning and meaning-making and respond positively and constructively with teaching moves that use cultural knowledge as a scaffold to connect what the student knows to new concepts and content in order to promote effective information processing. All the while, the educator understands the importance of being in a relationship and having a social-emotional connection with the student in order to create a safe space for learning."
  • WIDA Window January 5 - March 3 - The WIDA Window is the time period in which schools administer the WIDA language test to all ML students who are a level 1-4.9. Your students will periodically be pulled from class to take this test, so be understanding if they miss some class time. The test can take a while and be tiring, so be positive and understanding if they are feeling a little burned out or tired. If they test a 5 or above they never have to take it again, which can be motivating to many students--so encourage them to do their best!
  • ELD Lead Celebration - Mountain Shadows Elementary ELD Lead, Susan Allen, has put together a "Dream Team" of students excelling at learning English. They help other students around the school. Every 15 days, their ML students are tested and placed in new Walk to Read groups. For the next cycle, they are having their ML's in a group that focuses on reading, writing, speaking, and listening and they will be speaking into a computer and doing the WIDA practice test.
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