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End of District-funded JAMF Licensing – August 31, 2022

JAMF licenses are required for all Apple devices. Schools have been paying for these licenses when ordering new Apple devices. For the past two years, Information Systems has been striving to place JAMF on all older Apple products, and covering the costs of doing so. Despite this effort, there remain older Apple devices in some schools that have remained elusive.

In a final effort to address this need, district funding for JAMF licensing of older Apple devices will expire August 31, 2022. After that point, the requirement for JAMF on older Apple machines will remain, but schools will be responsible for funding the needed licenses.

To help you take full advantage of remaining funding opportunities from Information Systems, it is highly recommended that you require your staff to allow your school tech to put JAMF on their respective Apple device prior to leaving for summer break. This will be the most ideal time to do this.

Information Systems is aware that many teachers take their mobile computing devices home with them over summer break. This is why the deadline was set for August 31, 2022 - to provide one additional short window to take advantage of district funding after teachers return from summer break. Nevertheless, because August is a particularly busy time for school techs, the recommendation is to not wait until the last minute.

Thank you for your cooperation and support in these efforts. If you have questions about this, please reach out to your school tech.

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