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2021-22 Isolation Leave Extended

Dear Employees,

Beginning August 9, 2021, Jordan School District is making additional leave days available for all employees who test positive for COVID-19 and are required to isolate. This additional leave will be available through the end of the school year on June 30, 2022. Below is a summary of steps an employee should take to utilize this isolation leave.

  • The employee stays home due to illness, notifies their supervisor, and requests a substitute as needed.
  • A benefit-eligible employee records their leave time in Skyward.
  • The employee gets a COVID-19 test.
  • If the test is positive, the employee notifies their supervisor and then submits their positive test result to in Human Resources.
  • The employee will receive an email acknowledgement.
  • Leave days previously reported in Skyward from the date of the positive test result going forward will be adjusted to Isolation Leave by the District.

The employee isolates as directed by the Salt Lake County Health Department.

Isolation Leave is also available for the following situations where a positive test result is submitted as indicated above:

  • The employee never had symptoms but tests positive. The isolation period for this situation is up to 10 calendar days from the day they tested positive.
  • The employee is the caregiver of an individual in their household who is required to isolate due to a positive test result and the employee needs to care for the isolated individual.

Isolation Leave ends when any of the following occurs:

  • They are no longer required to isolate OR
  • They have utilized 10 isolation leave days OR
  • Until June 30, 2022

Part-time employees testing positive will have pay adjusted to offset average wages lost for the time they are required to isolate, or up to 10 days.

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